Alphabet for the Soul--K is for Kind

Happy Monday, friends!

I hope you've had a wonderful week! I can't believe it's September and while you're reading this I'll be off on an adventure celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary! I'm so excited I can hardly believe it. 25 years! I know many of you have been married a good number of years, some much longer and some not married yet, but today's letter and word are super applicable to marriage if you ask me. Kindness. It's hard to have a good marriage, near impossible if you aren't kind to one another. I love this verse from Scripture:

Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3 NASB

Without kindness and truth I dare say you don't have a marriage, let alone any relationship. And, the thing about kindness is it costs you nothing, but it's a great gift to the receiver. So chose to be a giver. Bless someone with kindness today!

For further study:

Ephesians 4:32

Acts 9:36

Micah 6:8

Hebrews 13:2

Romans 12:10


What about you? Do you know someone who is always kind and truthful? How has that person impacted your life? 

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“K” for Kind

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To see all letters and download all coloring pages, go to the Alphabet for the Soul page.




Interview with Annie and Carrie: Co-Founders of Christian Fiction Reader's Retreat

Hi ladies! So excited to have you both on Writerly Wednesday.

1)For my readers, could you both take a moment and introduce yourselves?

Hi! I'm Annie of Just Commonly blog. I'm a designer by profession, but reading and books are my loves. In the world of books, I'm a blogger and reviewer, sharing my thoughts on almost every book / story I read, along with anything remotely related to books. I'm a novice in bookstagramming, but hope to have more fun with it in the future. 

Hello! I'm Carrie (aka MeezCarrie) from ReadingIsMySuperPower. I'm an avid reader, book reviewer, story addict, KissingBooks fan, book boyfriend collector, and cool aunt. I love Jesus and THE Story a whole lot.

2) You amazing ladies have founded, along with Bonnie Roof, the Christian Fiction Reader’s Retreat. Can you share where the idea for it came?

(Annie): Well, it was really divine planning there. I remember chatting with everyone at the Seekerville annual New Year's Eve party and the authors were talking about author retreats or conferences. I then jokingly said, "what about readers' retreats? Why haven't I heard of those?" The wonderful Bonnie Roof chimed in and said something along the lines of that it's always been her dream to have one of those. And being the crazy booknerd I am, I said, "Lets do it!" Bonnie and I conversed a bit, and she found out that Carrie of Reading is My SuperPower also was planning something of the sort. And then, a beautiful and blessed friendship began.  God's timing is always perfect, don't you think?

3) Can you tell folks a little about how it’s gone the past two years, and maybe give us a sneak peek at what you have planned for next year?

(Annie) Personally, it's been such a blessing. It exceeded ALL of my expectations from the get go. My initial thoughts were like a 20 person type retreat at a cute bed and breakfast. God had other ideas. We hit about 115 last year, when our initial cut off was half of that! The feedback have been encouraging and supportive, as well as enthusiastic for the first one as well as this year's.

For this year, author registration sold out within 36 hours of opening. I was the one that posted the info and officially started the registration process. So once it's posted, I left to go back to work. Within hours I get FB messages (that I missed at first) and text messages from Carrie saying that we've hit more than half the author capacity we set. Needless to say, it was both exciting and a little scary!

This year, CFRR was a blast. We're still testing the waters in terms of activities and scheduling, hoping to find the right balance of everything CFRR stands for and hope to achieve.  We're still in the "debriefing" stage, where we take the next 2 months to pray about next year's CFRR. So we have NO idea what's happening. Though, we've lined up some amazing authors as our speakers, Liz Curtis Higgs, Tamera Alexander, Rachel Hauck & Jen Turano. All still tentative, since it will depend on location and dates. 

(Carrie) One thing that has been a highlight for me of the planning process has been all the times God has answered prayers almost before we started praying them. Time after time, when Annie or Bonnie or I were worried about how something would work out, He provided the answer nearly immediately. Seeing those reminders that it isn’t our event but HIS has grown my faith so many times the past two years.

4) What was your favorite moment of this year’s retreat?

(Annie) Would it be cheating to say all of it? OK, if I had to choose one, I've always loved our praise and worship time, as well as the prayer times at the end of the day. It reminds me that CFRR is about honoring God, and fellowship to connect with each other as a community. In the midst of all the excitement of books and fangirling our favorite authors, remembering how God's with us each step of the way, that calms and assures me.  

(Carrie) Praise & Worship & Prayer (and the stories we’ve heard of how God worked in each) is definitely my fave, but since Annie took that one (lol) I’m going to cheat and give two answers. 

The first fave moment from this year was the speaker sessions. Yes, I know that’s kind-of cheating again, but oh well. LOL. Cynthia Ruchti and Shelley Shepard Gray both had me in smiling-tears, and Dani – your and Becky’s video diary of the stages of publication was so well-done and heartfelt. I laughed a lot but I also came away with the conviction to PRAY more for my author friends as they write their books. And the activity y’all came up with was so creative! We hated that you had to miss, but we loved that you were connected to us via the wonders of technology. 

The second fave moment is the squealing and the fangirling. And not just readers over authors. But readers over other reader friends, and authors over other author friends, and AUTHORS OVER READERS. People bursting to hug friends they haven’t seen since last year’s CFRR and friends they are just meeting in person for the first time. 

5) You both run wonderful blogs. Could you each share a little about your blogs?

(Annie) My blog is Just Commonly and I tend to post mostly reviews or anything related to books, but I also will randomly post things that are not even remotely related.  Just Commonly started as more of a little outlet of what I thought of things and it just transformed itself to more of a book blog.  

(Carrie) My blog is Reading Is My SuperPower, and I review mostly Christian and ‘clean’ reads. On Tuesdays, I do a top ten list on some bookish topic and I head up a First Line Friday blog linkup on Fridays, plus some other fun stuff. It started about 2 years ago when I needed someone to talk to about all these great books I was reading!

6) What’s your favorite part about blogging?

(Annie) Favorite part about blogging is how blogging connected me to like-minded booklovers, like Carrie. This book loving community is so supportive, and it doesn't even necessarily have to be about books. I'm one of those introvert-introverts. My perfect "me time" is lounging around, reading a book and drinking tea or coffee. I don't actually have a lot of friends that enjoy reading as much as I do.  So having met so many through blogging have become such a blessing.

(Carrie) The relationships. I love interacting with readers and authors and other bloggers. Some of my most treasured friendships have come out of these interactions. I also just love getting to push books at people, let’s be honest 😉

7) How do authors who’d like to participate in either CFRR or be featured on your blogs contact you?

(Annie) Authors interested in participating in CFRR can sign up for our author newsletter on our website under, "2018 Interested Authors Newsletter" midway down on the right sidebar.

To contact me to be featured on my blog, you can use the "Contact Me" tab on my website.

(Carrie) To be featured on Reading Is My SuperPower, you can find all the info on my ‘Contact Me’ tab as well! 

8) Who are the authors you are most excited about?

(Annie) Dani, I think this is a very tricky question, since you might not want my answer to be too long!! *wink wink* OK, off the top of my head, I love Jen Turano, Kristi Ann Hunter, Julie Lessman, Ruth Logan Herne, Shelley Shepard Gray, Amy Clipston, Becky Wade, Tamera Alexander, Karen Witemeyer, Mary Connealy, Pepper Basham, Katie Ganshert, Rachel Hauck, Roseanna White, Lynette Eason, Cynthia Ruchti, Melanie Dickerson... OK, you see what you started (and there are more too)?! But there's always, always Ms. Dani Pettrey, that took my breath away with Still Life!

(Carrie) This is an impossible question, Dani!! I even tried to answer it … and my list lapped Annie’s by a couple dozen. And there were STILL MORE I unintentionally omitted. So… yeah. I’m excited about a lot of authors lol. 

9) What’s your favorite genre?

(Annie) It's a toss up between Contemporary and Historical fiction, but I've come to really enjoy suspense since I started last year. 

(Carrie) In broad terms, romantic suspense. Because that can span contemporary and historical. It doesn’t have to be technically categorized as ‘romantic suspense’ though – if it’s got romance, some level of suspense, and it’s not smutty? I’m there.

10) Lightening round: Coffee or tea?

(Annie) Can't choose. It depends on my mood and the book.  

(Carrie) Will you still love me if I say neither? Hot chocolate or hot cider, please 😊

Chocolate or is there anything else?

(Annie) Dark Chocolate!!

(Carrie) Milk chocolate BUT under the ‘anything else’ category I would submit strawberry Starburst

Paperback or e-book?  

(Annie) Paperback /

(Carrie) Either … but some books just need to be read in print.

Favorite city:  

(Annie) New York

(Carrie) Atlanta

Beach or mountains?

(Annie) Small Town with a Bookstore. =P

(Carrie) Mountains, especially if there’s a cabin filled with books! And a small town in the valley with a bookstore =P

Go-to snack: 

(Annie) Dove Promises in Dark Chocolate with Almonds

(Carrie) An apple with peanut butter… or strawberry starburst lol.


(Annie) Thank you, Dani for having us on your Writerly Wednesday segment! It's been such a pleasure and blessing to have met you!

(Carrie) Amen times 1000. Such an honor! 

Thank you, ladies both so much for being here. It was such a pleasure!


Annie and Carried have graciously offered to give away CFRR branded luggage grip and page flags.


I’m also giving away an autographed copy of Blind Spot as soon as I have my author copies along with some swag goodies.

To be entered just answer the following question in the comment’s section below.

Have you ever attended a reader’s retreat? If so, which one? If not, would you love to?





Alphabet for the Soul--J is for Joy

Happy Monday, friends!

I'm so glad you're here. Today's letter is J and what better word for J than joy. Joy is one of my favorite words because joy is such an amazing feeling and yet it's so much more than a feeling.

Joy is a Gift

Joy, I believe, is a gift of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). A gift that is given so that we may have joy despite our circumstances. Joy is different than happiness in that way. Sorrow can erase happiness, but it cannot eradicate our joy. We can have joy despite sorrow. Why? Because of 1 Peter 8:

Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls." 

Our joy is not a feeling, it is a deeply rooted gift inside our souls that rejoices because we are saved!

Do you know this joy? I pray you do. Here are some verses to study more about the joy that is or can be yours in Christ:

  • Romans 15:13
  • John 16:22
  • Hebrews 12:2
  • Galatians 5:22
  • Nehemiah 8:10
  • John 15:11

Live in the light of joy.

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“J” for Joy

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To see all letters and download all coloring pages, go to the Alphabet for the Soul page.

In Christ's joy,




Alphabet for the Soul--I is for Imagination

Happy Monday, friends!

I'm so excited to share today's word with you. For 'I' I choose imagined.

God imagined the world and everything in it before it began.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." ~Genesis 1:1

It's that amazing to think about?

God's Imagination

God imagined it all, and the Bible tells us He created us in His image (Genesis 1:27). God has got to have a great imagination to create the zebra, platypus, the human eye and the list goes on.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." ~Psalm 19:1

The beauty of God's creation and the expression of His imagination is everywhere, and being made in His image, we also have the gift of imagination. As a writer, it's critical. Without God's leading and an imagination, I'd never be able to create characters or tell a story. Artists need imagination. Moms need imagination. We all do. Think how boring life would be if you could never daydream, never visualize something new, never imagine a goal to work towards.

How are you using your imagination? What's your favorite way of expressing it? 

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“I” for Imagination

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Interview With Cynthia Ruchti from Books & Such Literary Management

I am super excited to have the awesome and fabulously talented, Cynthia Rutchi, joining me on this Writerly Wednesday. If you don’t yet know Cynthia, you’re in for a treat.


Hi Cynthia, thanks so much for joining me on Writerly Wednesday. Could you take a moment and yourself to my readers?


I came into the publishing world through the back door. I worked in the medical field--in a chemistry laboratory of a large medical facility--for the first several years after I married my husband. When our first two children were little, I "retired" from that pursuit to stay home with the kids, grow a big garden, can or freeze everything we could raise or forage, sew, knit, make homemade bread, and watch Little House on the Prairie.

I also took correspondence courses in creative writing so my brain cells didn't stagnate. I didn't envision a career in writing or publishing, but thought I might gain enough skills to write an occasional magazine article, newspaper human interest piece, or put together decent devotionals for baby and bridal showers.

But God had other plans in mind. Two weeks after finishing the final correspondence course, I was handed the opportunity to write a 15-minute scripted broadcast for radio. That broadcast recently retired after 33 years on the air.

By the time the broadcast retired, I had published my first novel. I'd been writing fiction and nonfiction all those years, so it was far more natural for me to do both. Since 2010, I've been blessed to have more than twenty books published, with more contracted.


You're a writer, and now an agent with Books & Such. How do you juggle the demands of both?


It may seem repetitive, but I came into agenting through the back door, too! I hadn't been looking for that position. But after a few months in this role, I can tell that God had been grooming me for it. I love everything about agenting (except having to say no so often), just as I love everything about the writing, publishing, and marketing process.

I'm less a juggler than I am working a literary circuit--like the exercise gyms that rotate clients from station to station in order to get a full workout for all muscle groups. I spend time working on my own proposals, then as an agent tweaking my client's proposals. I flesh out ideas for marketing my latest releases, then brainstorm with a client about his or her marketing needs.

I move from fiction to nonfiction, from ACFW responsibilities to agent responsibilities to author responsibilities. They're not only related to each other, but inform and strengthen one another. I have just enough ADD in me to make me okay with jumping from project to project, from writing devotions to creating a press release to pulling together a magazine article to reading through a client's contract.

Exhausting? Sometimes. Like a good workout.



How are you enjoying being an agent? What's your favorite aspect?


My favorite parts of agenting relate to relationships with publishers and clients, finding a perfect match between an author's ideas and a publisher's needs, and interacting (aka, learning from) the other agents within Books & Such. It's energizing, too, to help a proposal go from good to polished.


Why the decision to go into agenting?

Even though the invitation came as a surprise, it quickly made perfect sense. I've long cared about helping other authors succeed. I'm an encourager at heart and propelled by hope. God has given me unique opportunities to get a peek at many facets of the publishing industry--which makes me more informed as an agent and sympathetic to all sides of the equation, even while cheering hard for my clients.


What are five fun facts most people don't know about you?


  • I used to play the bass drum in the marching band. (Most directors frowned on carrying a bassoon while marching).
  • I was a baton twirler (majorette) in middle school and part of high school. (I know. Scary to think about, isn't it?)
  • I've hiked the Chilkoot Trail in Alaska. (Okay, part of it.)
  • I've been whitewater rafting in Colorado.
  • I was paid for one of my first online writing projects in chocolate. That's right.


Wow. How fun to be paid in chocolate. My kind of payment ;)


Are you accepting submissions and, if so, what are you looking for and what is the best way to contact or query you?

Yes to accepting submissions. I'm focused primarily on nonfiction, but I'm interested in a few fiction clients. As any agent will say, whether fiction or nonfiction, I'm looking for strong writing skills, a significant built-in audience (platform), and a compelling story from writers who understand the power of a well-turned phrase and the importance of a fresh approach. Those seeking representation can send a short email inquiry to or connect through the information provided on the Submissions page.


Thanks so much for joining us, Cynthia. In honor of her graciousness in visiting Writerly Wednesday, I’m giving away a copy of Cynthia’s latest release, A Fragile Hope.

Simply leave a comment or answer ask Cynthia a question, and you’ll automatically be entered to win. The winner will be contacted next week. Thanks again to Cynthia for joining us.


Cynthia Ruchti tells stories "hemmed in Hope" through novels, novellas, nonfiction, devotions, and through speaking events for women and writers. Many of her more than 20 books have been recognized by key industry awards. Cynthia serves as the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) professional relations liaison and is an agent with Books & Such Literary Management. She and her grade school sweetheart husband live in the heart of Wisconsin.






Alphabet for the Soul--H is for Hope

Happy Monday, friends! Is there any word more beautiful than Hope? describes hope as:

the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best

No offense to, but I totally disagree. Hope is not a feeling. It's a belief. Belief and trust in the One who is our hope. The One who is the anchor for our soul, firm and secure. (Hebrews 6:19)

I love the reference to an anchor. While thinking on hope the following definition came to mind.

Hope is your beacon in the dark shoals of life. Let it shine! 

Again, I love the ocean imagery. If you don't know, I'm a beach girl through and through. I married a Navy guy who loves to dive. My girls and grand babies are all swimmers. I have a shirt that says Part-time Mermaid (though my puppy ate a whole in the center of it--though I digress...). Needless to say if it involves water or the beach, I'm there.

However, here's the thing about the ocean, you can never turn your back on it. As beautiful and majestic as it is, it can also be deadly with rip currents, strong undertows, and when the storms come, unbelievably powerful and destructive. But, God says we don't have to fear. He has given us hope (Jeremiah 14:22). He is with us through deep waters (Isaiah 43:2).

We don't need to fear the storms of life. God is our anchor, firm and secure. He is with us in deep waters. He is the light of the world. He brings light to dark places and we can too. God calls us to be a light on a hill (Matt 5;14). Our hope is our light in the dark places and times of life. Hold on tight to the light and let it shine!

Some further Bible reading:

  • Romans 15:13
  • Titus 2:13
  • Jeremiah 29:11
  • Psalm 3:2-6
  • Psalm 147:11

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“H” for Hope

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Alphabet for the Soul--G is for Grace

Happy Monday, friends!

Today's letter is G and it stands for one of my favorite words--GRACE. Awe just washes over me at the sound of that word.

But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace."
~Romans 11:6
 There are many different definitions for Grace, but they way I describe it is:
Grace is the abundant overflow of God’s goodness. 
Without grace we'd still be under the law. A law none of us could keep.
"For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard."
~Romans 3:23 NLT
But God in His graciousness and in an amazing outpouring of His love allowed His one and only Son die on the cross for our sins, so that we are no longer under the law, but are free to live in God's amazing grace.
Amazing Grace. I love the hymn, but I also love Chris Tomlin's version, Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone). I thought I'd share it with you so it can brighten your day. Soak in the words of grace.


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“G” for Grace

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To see all letters and download all coloring pages, go to the Alphabet for the Soul page.










Alphabet for the Soul-F is for Freedom

Happy Monday, friends!

What do you think of when you think of freedom? I often think of 4th of July, of our flag, of the free nation we live in and the awesome soldiers who give their lives to keep us free. But freedom means something even more. Someone even greater than a solider died to set us free from a war far worse than anything we've seen on earth, and there have been some horrific wars (all wars are horrific) on earth. I'm talking about the freedom we have in Christ.

You see, there is a irrevocable war raging ever since Eve first took a bite of that fruit, ever since Lucifer grew prideful. There is a war for our souls. Not to sound all dramatic, but those are facts. The truth of this war and the battle our souls can be found in God's Word.

Here are a few references to get you started:

  • Genesis 3
  • Romans 5
  • 1 Peter 3:18
  • Revelation

But the beauty in all of this is that the war is already won, the outcome already known, and our souls--if Jesus is our Savior--are safe in His hands. This earth is not our final home nor this life the only one we will know. We will live forever with our Savior in Heaven. We will walk on streets of gold. There will be no more pain or sadness. Can you imagine? No more pain or sadness.

We'll get to be with our Savior forever. And, that knowledge gives us the freedom to live without fear of death or all the 'what if's?' They are already known by the One Who holds time. Who knows the end. Who died so there is no end--only eternity spent at His side. Take a minute and thank Him for that freedom today and walk in the joy it brings.

So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.

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"F" for Freedom

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To see all letters and download all coloring pages, go to the Alphabet for the Soul page.



Alphabet for the Soul - E is for Extraordinary

Happy Monday, friends! Thanks so much for joining me. Today's letter is E and for it I chose the word extraordinary. I love this word because it literally means extra ordinary. Or, if you want to get more technical, defines extraordinary like this:

1. beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established

2. exceptional in character, amount, extent, degree, etc.; noteworthy; remarkable 
I personally love the first definition. Beyond what is ordinary. 
I like it so much because for us, to become beyond what is ordinary, we need God. God takes the ordinary (though if you think about it, nothing God created is ordinary. Everything is a masterpiece and work of art, but I digress.) and makes us extraordinary. He equips us through His Holy Spirit to accomplish extraordinary tasks, to break the bond of what is regular, and to become remarkable.


A few examples from the Bible that I love are:
  • David defeats Goliath. A young boy with a sling and a rock defeats a mighty warrior. ( 1 Samuel 17)
  • The walls of Jericho come tumbling down from just the blare of horns and days of marching around them. (Joshua 6)
  • Sarah gives birth to Issac when she is in her nineties. (Genesis 21)

There are so many more stories of God using ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary tasks through His equipping.

I have several examples from my own life to share:

  • The gift of birth is extraordinary, and I had the privilege of giving birth to two beautiful daughters.
  • Writing is a gift from the Lord. I've written and published eight novels. Eight. All through God's equipping.
  • He has made me a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17) "He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." ~ Psalm 40:2

What extraordinary thing has God done in your life?  Let me know in the comments below. 

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"E" for Extraordinary

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If you have not already, you can also download the front and back cover below:

Front cover        Back cover

To see all letters and download all coloring pages, go to the Alphabet for the Soul page.



Interview with Rel Mollet from Relz Reviews


I’m so ecstatic to have the amazing Rel Mollet on Writerly Wednesday. If you aren’t familiar with Rel, you need to be. Be sure to check out her fabulous book review site Relz Reviewz. Rel is a wonderful lady, friend, and incredible supporter of Christian Fiction and she’s been kind enough to answer some questions about the blogger/author relationship and lots more. Thanks so much, Rel, for sharing your time and expertise.


Hi Rel, I'm thrilled to be interviewing you for Writerly Wednesday. Thank you so much for taking time out of your super busy schedule to spend a little time with us today. For those of us who don't know you, could take a minute and introduce yourself?


Hey Dani! It’s such a treat for me to share with you and your readers ? Mmm…I love talking about books and authors, myself, not so much! But for you, I’ll try! On the home front, I’m married to Steve and we have three gorgeous teen daughters and one handsome black lab, Sherlock. Our home is in the world’s most live-able city, Melbourne, Australia.

My love of literature began before I could read and has only exploded from there. I’ve been reviewing/blogging at for over ten years and after a 21 year career as a lawyer, I now have my dream job and business, Relz Author Support Services, providing virtual assistance to Christian novelists.



I'd love to take a few minutes to chat about the author/blogger relationship. How do you view the relationship between reviewer/blogger and authors?


Fun question! As a reviewer, my relationship with authors is at arm’s length in a way. When it comes to book reviews, my first obligation is to readers of my blog. Long term readers (I still can’t believe there are people who actually read my blog every week!) rely on me for recommendations, so it is important that I provide quality reviews that are honest and reflect my thoughts on the book as independently as possible. I have one dear reader who calls me her ‘book compass’ (waving to you, Amy!), and I take that honour very seriously.

As a book blogger, however, there’s nothing I love more than supporting authors and connecting them to readers. That is why you will find author interviews, character spotlights, author alerts, cover art posts, and more on the blog as I want to be able to showcase books – even ones that aren’t necessarily to my taste – so all kinds of readers and all kinds of authors can make connections.

My blog is dedicated to faith-driven fiction, and a mutual love of books and a shared faith, has meant I have connected on a deeper level with some authors. What began as simply promoting an author on my blog has, in some instances, resulted in very dear friendships that I value more than I can say. If I do review a book by an author I have a deeper connection with, I always disclose that to my readers so they are fully informed.



I can't image the number of authors you've interacted with over the years. You are definitely a champion for CBA authors and we greatly appreciate all you do. How can we as authors be helpful to you?


You are very kind, Dani – thank you. Authors can be helpful to me and other bloggers in lots of ways. Here’s a few thoughts…

  • Read our Review policies! Most bloggers will outline what books they are willing to feature and ones they are not. If it is clear an author hasn’t paid attention to the blogger’s policy, it is unlikely to garner a positive response.
  • Engage with the blogger’s audience. If you are featured on a blog, be sure to stop by and respond to any comments directed to you. Not only does that endear you to the readers who have taken the time to comment, it also lifts the blogger’s profile, too. A win-win!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for exposure! Bloggers blog in their spare time. We don’t always have the time to approach all the authors we would like to feature. Email your favourite bloggers and ask if they can feature you and your book. Don’t be shy or assume we won’t be interested (if your book complies with the review policy, that is!)
  • Be open to a feature, rather than a review. Yes, reviews are great but top bloggers are often swamped with books to read and review. By all means request a review, but be open (or offer) a feature to a blogger. They will more often than not be happy to oblige.
  • Show appreciation. If you have been featured on a blog – especially if you have requested it – be sure to send an email of thanks or comment on the blog. We do this for love – yes, we often receive a free book (but not always) – but bloggers spend countless hours reading, preparing a post, adding links and graphics for that free book. A thank you takes little time, but means so much.
  • Provide pictures! If you are being interviewed on a blog, it’s always lovely to be provided a picture relating to the interview. Readers love it, too.
  • Be understanding. As mentioned above, book blogging is a labour of love, taking a lot of time and effort, working around family life, paid work, and other obligations. Sometimes we miss deadlines or forget to post a planned feature. Never hesitate to gently remind us if we have missed something, but please understand that it is unlikely to be intentional and we feel very badly when it happens!


Given the above answers, it's clear you're a veteran blogger. How have you seen the CBA industry change over the years since you started blogging?



There have been significant changes over the past decade. Many positive changes and some more challenging. Overall, however, I believe the changes have been for the better. The quality and breadth of CBA novels has improved greatly. The available genres have increased. Indie publishing has provided a wonderful opportunity for books to be published that traditional publishers haven’t been in a position to take on for a variety of reasons. This has led to an extension of the reading audience for authentic, faith infused fiction and made it more accessible to those who really need the redemptive themes without the ‘perfect’ characters.

If you could sit down with an author over a cup of coffee, what one piece of advice or encouragement would you give them?


Write what the Lord has placed on your heart to write. Nothing else.



You are also an author virtual assistant. Can you talk a little bit about how you entered into that role?



For years, I dreamt about working with authors, wondering how I could translate my passion into a career that would serve others in an industry I feel so strongly about. I thought it was a pipe dream. Then circumstances intervened. My legal career ended suddenly and I was at a loss. The next day, yes, the very next day, I received an email from a publisher, asking me if I’d be interested in doing a little contract work for them. That gave me the inspiration to talk with some dear friends in the industry who provided wisdom and encouragement and Relz Author Support Services was born.


What you do love about working with authors so much?


I love who they are and why they do what they do! I love their passion and heart for the power of story and their commitment to their faith. Every one of my clients write to honour God. They devote time, angst, heartache, rejection, and criticism to provide stories that bring joy, challenge, encouragement, entertainment, hope, and inspiration to their readers. Yes, some receive decent money for the effort they put in, most don’t. Yet they write. I have benefitted enormously, over decades of reading, from stories which have moved me, comforted me, and challenged me to be a better person. If I can free my authors up, even a little, so they can do what God has called them to do, then I’m honoured.


Thank you, Rel, for being such an advocate for authors! You're amazing.

You can find Rel at Relz Reviewz offers author interviews, character spotlights, book reviews, contests and giveaways, publishing news, and cover art sneak peeks for the best in Christian fiction. You can connect with Rel over at her Facebook Page.


This week I'm giving away a $10 egift card to Starbucks. Leave a comment answering the question below to be entered to win.

Rel shares that one of her big pipe dreams was to work with authors and her dream became a reality. What is one of your pipe dream? 

Alphabet for the Soul--D is for Daring

Happy Monday, friends!

Grab a cuppa and join me for today's daring devotional.

"Daring souls laugh at the word impossible." ~Dani Pettrey

Are you a daring or cautious person by nature? Or do you fall somewhere in between?

What comes to mind when you hear the word daring? To be honest, my first though is of X-Game athletes jumping out of helicopters to ski down fresh, untouched powder, or daredevils willingly jumping out of planes to ski-dive.

However, that's only one type of daring. The kind of daring I'm going to be sharing about today is found in Deut 33:27 where God says,

"Dare to be bold in your faith..."

God calls us out of our comfort zones and into a blog journey of adventure at His side.

He called:

  • Esther to do daringly before the king to save her people at the risk of her own life (Esther Chapter Five).
  • He dared Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to refuse to bow down to an idol even though it meant being thrown into a fiery furnace (Daniel Chapter 3).
  • He dared Abram to leave his homeland and all he knew behind to follow Him to an unknown land (Genesis Chapter 12).

I hope you will take some time this week to read these chapters and I hope you find them inspiring as I have.

How about you? What daring adventure is God calling you on?

Fourteen years go, He dared me to write a book and I answered the call somewhat slowly, but I answered and while it hasn't always been easy (years of writing without publication, health issues, looming deadlines like I have right now actually), it's certainly been the best adventure I ever could have dreamed of at His side. I pray you answer whatever adventure he's daring you to join Him on and I'd love if you'd share that adventure below.

Download today's Coloring page

"D" for Daring

Download PDF       Download JPG

If you have not already, you can also download the front and back cover below:

Front cover        Back cover

To see all letters and download all coloring pages, go to the Alphabet for the Soul page.

In Christ,


Alphabet for the Soul - C is for Character

Happy Monday friends! Grab a cuppa and join me for a chat!

A morning without coffee is like sleep

For "C" I chose "Character":

"How you handle hard times is a true show of character." ~Submerged

I looked up character in the dictionary and in the Bible and my favorite definition was:

Character: moral or ethical quality:  a man of fine, honorable character. -

As a writer, when I hear the word character, I automatically think a person from my story, but the true nature of the word describes who that person is heart and soul. It’s the traits and the choices a person makes, how you handle hard times, what you do when no one is looking. Are you honest? Are you someone people can rely and trust? If so, then you are a person of character.

The Bible verse I chose for character doesn’t speak so much on what character’s definition is, though there are plenty of places where that occurs in the Bible and I’ll share those verses below for further study if you’re interested. Rather, this verse talks about how character is cultivated, and I’ll warn you, like many other things in life, it ain’t easy.

"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope." ~Romans 5:3-4

Character is produced by perseverance through suffering. I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of suffering, and yet, God tells us that even our suffering, even all the hard, yucky, knock-you-to-your-knees trials, in the end produce character in us. Here’s the really cool part... character, in turn, produces hope. HOPE.

I don’t know about you, but I can always benefit from hope, and, again, the Bible so beautifully tells us why in the very next verse:

"And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." ~Romans 5:5

Hope does not put us to shame. In another translation, it says:

"And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love."

God loves us so dearly that even our sufferings do not lead to shame in disappoint, but rather, in the end by the working of God’s Holy Spirit which fills our hearts with love, we are filled with hope.

I’ve been through my share of suffering and I hold on to that hope as an anchor for my soul because I know that while "weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." ~Psalm 30:5

So, have hope, your suffering is not in vain. It is producing perseverance, and perseverance, character, and character hope, and hope does not disappoint because God never disappoints. He keeps his promises. Joy will come in the morning.

Weeping may last through the night

Bible verses for further study of character:

  • 2 Peter 1:5
  • Proverbs 31:10
  • Ephesians 5:13
  • Titus 2:2
  • Ruth 3:11

And, don’t forget this week’s coloring page. I’m having a blast seeing all of you sharing your colored pages online. Thanks bunches for taking time to share. I’m loving being a part of this journey with you. Thanks so much for joining me!

While we’re talking character…who’s your favorite literary character? I know, tough questions. It’s so hard to pick just one. Mine is Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. He’s an amazing man of character.


Download today's Coloring page

"C" for Character

Download PDF       Download JPG

If you have not already, you can also download the front and back cover below:

Front cover        Back cover

To see all letters and download all coloring pages, go to the Alphabet for the Soul page.

Today’s post was brought to you by the letter C (a flashback to those of you who grew up watching Sesame Street).



Alphabet for the Soul - B for Bravery

Happy Monday friends! Grab a cuppa and join me for a chat!

For "B" I chose "Bravery":

I chose bravery because, let's face it, we all exhibit some level of bravery every day. I’m not talking soldiers on the battlefield bravery, they are heroes and I respect them immensely. I’m talking about the bravery it takes to be our real, authentic selves day in and day out through trials, obstacles, and fears. Being who we were created to be and resting in that is one of the most freeing things you’ll ever experience and I pray with all my heart you do. But it also takes a whole heap of bravery not to try to fit in with your peers, colleagues, friends, or even your family. To not feel the need to conform or to hide the beauty of who God made you to be.

The verse I chose for this week's principle is from the song of Solomon.

“You are altogether beautiful my love. There is no flaw in you.” Solomon 4:7. (ESV)

Some things to keep in mind this week as you go through your days:

  1. "God knit each of us uniquely together in our mother’s womb."  Solomon 139:13-14
  2. "God knew you before you were born." Jeremiah 1:5
  3. "God has called you by name and you were his." Isaiah 43:1

Rejoice in that today, soak in those verses of truth. You are altogether beautiful.

For further study you can look to Ephesians 210, Psalm 139, 1st Corinthians 12:25-28, 1st Peter 4:10-11, and Jeremiah 29:11.

Download today's Coloring page

"B" for Bravery

Download PDF       Download JPG

If you have not already, you can also download the front and back cover below:

Front cover        Back cover

I hope you have fun coloring in your page and I’d love to see what you’ve done. If you share it on social media, remember to tag it with #alphabetforthesoul and tag me @danipettrey. Thanks so much for joining me today and I hope you have a wonderful week.

To see all letters and download all coloring pages, go to the Alphabet for the Soul page.




Alphabet for the Soul - A for Adversity

Happy Monday Friends!

I'm so excited to officially kick off week 1 of Alphabet for the soul. Today's letter is "A". There were so many word options for each letter, at times it was hard to choose just one.

For "A" I chose "Adversity" for two reasons:

  1. It's something we all face for one reason or another.
  2. It's some I've been dealing with for several months now due to continuing and significant health issues.

I looked up adversity in the dictionary. And found it said:

Adversity: a state or instance of severe or continued difficulty.

Some of the synonyms included: hardship, stress, suffering or sorrow. I think it's safe to say that we've all encountered adversity in our lives.

The Bible says, in John 16:33: "I've told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart for I have overcome the world." In other translations the word tribulation, suffering, oppression, distress or affliction are used in place of trouble. All words speak of adversity, continued difficulty.

There are many other bible verses which speak on adversity. For further personal study, if you're interested, you can look up:

  • 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
  • Proverbs 3:4-6
  • Phil 4:12-13
  • 1 Peter 5:8-10
  • James 1:2-4

One of my favorites is Psalm 34:19. "The righteous person may have many troubles but the Lord delivers them from them all." Jesus tells us that we will have trouble and adversity in this life but that He will:

  • Be with us through it all. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
  • He works all things together for good for those who are in Christ Jesus... Romans 8:28
  • He has overcome the world (John 16:33)
  • We are more than conquerers (Rom 8:31-39

So if you are in the trenches of adversity, my prayers go out to you, but take heart God's got you and you will overcome.

Download today's Coloring page

"A" for Adversity

Download PDF       Download JPG

If you have not already, you can also download the front and back cover below:

Front cover        Back cover



Here's a song that I hope you will enjoy and that will remind you of the truths that we've chatted about today.


What's one of your favorite songs to listen to when you need uplifting?

Thanks so much for joining me on the letter "A" today. Be sure to print out your coloring page. I'll be coloring mine in this week and sharing a photo of it here next week. I would love if you'd share your colored-in pictures on social media, be sure to tag me (@danipettrey) and use the hashtag #alphabetforthesoul so I'm sure to see it.

Let's get creative friends! See you next week.

To see all letters and download all coloring pages, go to the Alphabet for the Soul page.

Adventuring on with you,




Monday Cuppa--Something Fun Is Coming

Happy Monday, friends!

I hope you've enjoyed your morning cuppa. If not, sit back, take a nice long sip and spend a few minutes with me. I'm SO excited to share two new things:

You might notice my updated logo

What's changed is my tag line. Thanks to you all and your wonderful reviews, I realized what you all enjoy most in my stories is the page-turning suspense aspect, so I've updated my tagline to Up All Night Suspense. I hope you love it as much as I do. You can see the new logo below:

Over the next month, you'll continue to see updates as I switch things over to Up All Night Suspense, which brings me to a question for you. I'm trying to decide what to call my newsletter now and I'd love YOUR opinion. You can leave your choice in the comment section below.

For my newsletter, which title do you like the most:

A) Up All Night Suspense Newsletter

B) In Suspense Newsletter

C) Nail-biting Newsletter

D) Keep it Armchair Adventures

Thanks, friends, for your opinion!

Now on to the BIG news.

Starting next week I'll be launching a fun new blog series on Monday Cuppa entitled Alphabet For The Soul.

What is Alphabet For The Soul

Each week, beginning next Monday, July 3rd,  you'll get a beautiful, printable coloring page of a letter, starting with A and eventually ending with Z.

Not only will you get a free coloring page printable that you can enjoy coloring in, but each page also has a key word that letter brought to mind for me. For example, A is for Adversity, so next week I'll be chatting about adversity--how it affects our lives, how we can overcome it, and what God's Word says about it.

You'll also receive a key quote I've complied, and an accompanying Bible verse I based the quote off of. By the last Monday of the year (Christmas day!), you'll have everything you need to compile your completed Alphabet For The Soul coloring book, complete with full color cover and corresponding back page, both of which you can download now by clicking on this link to get you started:

Download the Alphabet for the Soul Cover

Download the Alphabet for the Soul Back Cover

I'm so excited to chat about an alphabet full of topics that affect all our lives at some point, and how we can grow closer to God through them.

I hope you'll join me for this fun adventure!

To get started, remember to download and print out your front and back cover. Next week, I'll share a number of creative ways you can bind your pages together throughout the project or at the end.

I can't wait to get started! 

I'd love if you'd share your favorite letter, if you have one, or the first letter of your favorite word. And, why it's your favorite?  My favorite word is Grace so I'd say G. Because Gracie is my nickname and special to me, but, more importantly, God's grace is the reason for my hope in Christ and His sacrifice.

Excited to start a new adventure with you,

Interview with Senior Book Buyer Rachel McRae


Dani: Hi Rachel, Thanks so much for being on Writerly Wednesday. For those who don't know you, could you take a moment and introduce yourself?

Rachel: Sure, I’m Rachel McRae and I’m the Senior Book Buyer for LifeWay Christian Stores.  Nashville, TN has been home for the last 16 years and I’m originally from East Tennessee.  For my job, I oversee all of the adult trade books in our stores.  I spend a lot of my time working on Fiction and that’s just fine by me as it’s my favorite category!

Dani: Having the job you do and knowing you, it's obvious you love what you do, and you love stories. What is it about books you love so much?

Rachel: What’s ironic is that I was not a fan of reading growing up.  I read the Little House on the Prairie series because all of my friends did and I read Anne of Green Gables because I found Gilbert Blythe to be oh-so dreamy.  Beyond that, you would never find me with a book.  

Fast forward to college and you would have heard me proclaiming that I would never be a buyer.  I wanted to be a Christian bookstore manager.   Given all of that, it’s funny to me that I’m now a book buyer.  It shows that God certainly had other plans!  

This job certainly has given me a love of books and especially for Christian fiction.  I love how stories can provide a welcomed escape from the normal grind of daily life.  Even if I can only get through one chapter on a quick lunch break at my desk, I find myself refreshed enough to carry on through the day.  

While I enjoy general market fiction, there’s something special about Christian fiction.  Melody Carlson was quoted in an article I read years ago as saying, “Christian fiction is one of the best evangelism tools there is.”  I wholeheartedly agree with that.  Sharing a novel that has themes of love, forgiveness, faith, and redemption all wrapped up in a powerful story can speak to a person’s heart and make them think upon the Lord.  I love that Christian fiction has a higher purpose in addition to being a form of entertainment.

Dani: There's always the doomsday talk about all bookstores closing, but LifeWay seems to be doing stronger than ever, which I'm so happy to see. What is it about LifeWay that helps it stand so strong, and where do you see bookstores in general in the next five years?

Rachel: We are in interesting times within the Christian retail industry.  The recent closing of Family Christian Stores was a hard day.  I’ve had people say to me that we must be excited that stores like Family are going out of business.  I quickly tell them no and that we never see it that way.  These stores are a part of the greater mission we all support so to lose even one store, let alone a full chain of stores, is a blow for all of us.

LifeWay Christian Stores has been blessed to be weathering the changing tides in our industry a bit better than others.  There are several reasons for that, but one of the main ones is that we are a part of a bigger organization.  As a division of LifeWay Christian Resources, we have constant support in all areas of our business from our corporate office.  Because all of our divisions benefit each other and support each other, LifeWay Christian Stores has a more solid base in our finances, operations, and future growth opportunities.  

We are currently pouring resources into our stores that will set us up well for future growth and sustainability.  We have increased our training for our associates so they can better assist customers and churches.  We’re in the middle of implementing a lot of new systems both in our stores and in the corporate office.  That may not sound too glamourous but new technology will allow us to serve our customers and churches in more personal ways as well as to help us manage our business efficiently.  

These investments plus many others will help us to be good stewards of what God has entrusted us with.  As we continue to seek His guidance and direction, we trust that He will lead LifeWay into the years ahead to accomplish the work He has given us.

Dani: Being the fiction buyer, you know what attracts readers to books. What is it that draws them in when they walk into a LifeWay store? The cover, back cover copy, author's name, bookseller recommendation?

Rachel: It’s honestly a combination of all of that.  One is not more important than the other.  When a publisher presents a new novel to me, I immediately critique the cover.  If I see something that might hinder the book grabbing someone’s interest, then I’ll share those thoughts with them.  Sometimes even the slightest change to a font or brightening up the color of a girl’s dress can make a big difference.

If we’ve gotten the shopper’s attention long enough to pick it up and read the cover to learn about the story, then we certainly need that description to be impactful and leaving the reader wanting to know more.  

Of course, the best selling tool for a novel comes by way of a recommendation.  I hope that LifeWay Christian Store customers know us enough to trust the novels we recommend to them through our  promotions, on social media, and more importantly, by our store associates.  If you love a book or a particular writer, you want to tell people about it.  Word of mouth will always be the best bookseller!

Dani: For authors, what can they be doing to come alongside LIfeWay and help support your stores?

Rachel: Some of our best friends at LifeWay are our authors!  We see you as an integral part of our ministry.  You are entrusting us with your talents and your own ministry and we want to serve you well.

We love partnering with authors in a variety of ways.   We always invite you to get to know the LifeWay Christian Store in your area.  Meet the managers and ask if you could sign a few copies of any of your books they have on the shelf.  You could even do a post or a tweet about how your local store has some limited quantities of signed copies.  

Authors can encourage readers to buy their book at LifeWay.  Online shopping is great but you can never replace the experience you have in a Christian book store.  From the selection of titles you can actually pick up and flip through, to getting help with your questions, to seeing all of the other great resources we have around the store, customers can have a fun and encouraging experience at their local store.

Oh, and a side note… LifeWay Christian Stores price matches other retailers and online stores.  Our customers love being able to shop and support us while still getting a great deal should a book be a bit cheaper somewhere else.

Dani: Finally, who are some authors you see really shining in the industry and who are some new names to be on the lookout for?

Rachel: I’m excited to see some upward trajectory in 2017 on novelists like Katie Ganshert, Laura Frantz, Jocelyn Green, and Kristy Cambron.  These ladies have been writing for a few years but we’re seeing some nice growth with them.  Lisa Harris, Kristi Ann Hunter, Tessa Afshar, and Susan Mason are authors that are being discovered by our customers, too.  I would encourage you to check out Connilyn Cossette, Liz Johnson, Rachelle Dekker, Sarah Loudin Thomas, and Julianna Deering if you haven’t had a chance yet.

There are a lot of great new novels coming in the second half of 2017.  I’m excited that Randy Singer is back with a new legal thriller this fall.  Two of my favorites, Lynn Austin and Kate Breslin, both have titles coming.  Allison Pittman is back with an intriguing look at Martin Luther’s wife in October.  I also think readers will enjoy The Promise of Breeze Hill by Pam Hillman, Freedom’s Ring by Heidi Chiavaroli, and Jane of Austin by Hilary Manton Lodge.

We also have several debut novelists to look forward to.  Two that I’m personally looking forward to are Joanna Davidson Politano with Lady Jayne Disappears, coming in October, and Jamie Jo Wright with The House on Foster Hill in December,

Oh, and I can’t help but mention my excitement over another novel in the Chesapeake Valor series from Dani Pettrey!  Customers are already asking for Blind Spot now!

Dani: You’re so sweet! Thanks so much ☺ I’m thrilled to hear that readers are excited about Blind Spot. Thank you for taking the time to visit with us and share your insight today. I so appreciate having you on Writerly Wednesday!

Rachel McRae is the Senior Book Buyer for LifeWay Christian Stores.  Be sure to follow her on Twitter at @LifeWay_Books



I’m giving away an e-gift card to LifeWay so one lucky reader can pick up one of the fabulous authors or titles you recommended. To be entered to win the gift card, just answer this question in the comment’s section below.

Which Christian fiction release are you most looking forward to this year?


Monday Cuppa - Summer Songs


Happy Monday, friends!

Coming out of my writing cave for a fresh Cuppa of coffee and a quick chat with you all. I’m wrapping up my story (book four of the Chesapeake Valor series) and while I’m working on the finishing details, I’m listening to the soundtrack I’ve put together. If you haven’t checked out the Books Page of my website yet, you should take time. I compile soundtracks for all of my stories and by listening to them, I can picture the story playing through my mind like a movie. Here’s one song from Book 4. Hope you’ll enjoy!


Speaking of songs, since it’s summer, I’d love to hear what your favorite summertime song is? Mine is Knee Deep by Zac Brown. Always puts me in a beach-y mood.

Summer Quote

Humming to it right now and envisioning our upcoming beach trip as soon as this deadline is met!




Monday Cuppa - The Best of What it Might Be


Peeking out of my writing cave to wish you a happy Monday!

Time to grab your Cuppa and let’s dish.


Summertime Quote


The story I’m working on (book four of the Chesapeake Valor series) is coming along well, but I’m in the stage of wondering if the story is the best of what might be. When I start writing, I envision the story as a movie in my mind, but as I’m writing I’m often filled with doubts that the story will never live up to the image I hold in my mind. I’d love your prayers that God would guide the story to be the story He wishes it to be, and that He would equip me to write the best story possible for my super awesome readers and friends!


What might be are you hoping for this summer? Time with your family? A glorious beach vacation? Checking a bucket item off your list? Time to sit on the porch swing and read?


Praying you all have a wonderful week of what might be,



Do You Have Imposter Syndrome?

Writers Do You Have Imposter Syndrome This week I'm celebrating the sale of a client's project to a dream publisher—a project I first saw (and loved) two years ago. I knew the moment I read the manuscript that it was something special. I resonated with the author's story and her writing, and I felt very strongly that many others would too. Eventually.

My instinct was that it wasn't the right timing to put it out to publishers. I suggested she take some time to polish the manuscript, while also working on her blog and building her platform. I told her the market wasn't ready for it, and I didn't want to show it to publishers at the wrong time. I promised I'd be watching for the right time and the right editors to send it to. She handled all of this like a professional. She improved her manuscript. She continued blogging—and being patient.

Meanwhile, I was second guessing myself. It's risky to ask a client to be patient, to trust me to find the right timing to give their project the best chance for success. Do I really know what I'm doing? What if I'm wrong? What if this long wait doesn't pay off for my client?

I get mired in Impostor Syndrome occasionally. In fact, I think many people do - writers included.

Impostor Syndrome is when you have those moments of thinking: I can't do this! People think I can do this, but I've got them all fooled! I'm a fraud! A poser! A fake! I'm not REALLY an agent/novelist/physician/teacher/take your pick. They are going be on to me soon!

But then ... we have those moments when we're reminded that we do, in fact, sort of know what we're doing. I had that moment yesterday when the editor I'd hand-picked for my client's book called me with an offer. I'd been patient, watched the market, determined the timing was right—and it paid off. I had to take a moment to acknowledge that I do know just a teensy bit about what I'm doing. Maybe I'm not an impostor after all.

I think it's important to be aware of the insecurity that makes us sometimes feel like a fraud; and to remind ourselves that we do have talents, skills, and abilities. The most helpful thing I've done to keep my confidence strong is a simple sticky note on my computer:

Sticky note

"This is what I do." Every day when I sit down to work, that sentence reminds me that I know what I'm doing; that I don't need to waste energy thinking it's too hard or I can't do it; that I've put years into learning this job; that I can simply start the day with confidence, do my job, and always be open to learning how to do it better.


I (Dani) am giving away a copy of one of my books (your choice!). Simply answer the question below in the comments for your chance to win and be sure to tell me which book you would like to win!

What about you? Do you ever feel like an impostor? What makes you feel that way? What reminds you of the truth about yourself?


Rachelle GardnerRachelle Gardner is a literary agent with Books and Such Literary Agency. She is an experienced editor, writing/publishing coach, and speaker. She has been working in publishing since 1995.

You can follow Rachelle on Facebook.

Monday Cuppa - Every Summer Has a Story

You keep calm and I'll drink coffee. Every summer has a story and this month it’s book four of my Chesapeake Valor series. I’m entering my writing cave to finish up the story for the rest of the months so for June Monday Cuppa’s will be short and sweet. Just an image and a fun question to get the conversation going. Look forward to chatting with you all, so grab your cuppa and let’s dish. 

My beach vacation starts just after deadline, and I’ll be reading Threads of Suspicion by my absolutely favorite author, Dee Henderson.  

What’s your favorite or upcoming summer beach read?

Happy Summer,
