My Top Five Suggestions for People Thinking about Writing a Book

As I considered my options for what to write about in this blog post, I decided to address the question I get the most whenever someone discovers I’m an author. That question is always a form of this – “I’ve been thinking about writing a book. What suggestions can you give me?” I must admit that my first impulse is to tell that person to run as fast as they can away from that type of thinking. However, that’s hardly helpful, so I’ve compiled a list of my top five suggestions which might be a little better than…run.

Top Five Suggestions for People Thinking about Writing a Book

  • Have an honest talk with yourself about why you want to write that book.

If you simply love story and want to experience the satisfaction of writing an entire book, that’s great. I say get writing. But, if you’re thinking about writing a book because you want to pursue writing as a career, that changes everything. Publishing is a business, and it’s a daunting business, which means you need to…

  • Understand the scope of your competition.

When I first started writing, I had no idea what I was up against. I figured there were a lot of writers out there, but it’s almost unfathomable to grasp exactly how many writers are even now bent over their keypads, writing away. To give you an idea what your competition looks like, out here in Denver, we have a highly respected literary agency, but it’s small and represents under forty clients, most of whom are New York Times bestselling authors. Having said that, they receive over 30,000 query letters a year, and yet take on an average of two new clients a year from those 30,000 queries. That means your work needs to stand out, and also means…

  • You should have an above-average grasp of the English language.

I know that seems somewhat simplistic, but I encounter aspiring writers all the time who struggle with basic grammar and yet don’t believe that’ll stifle their goal of getting published in the end. Here’s the thing – when you have agents getting tens of thousands of queries a year, grammar matters. If they find numerous grammatical errors in your query letter, or in the first chapter of your work, they’ll reject it because they have thousands of other submissions that don’t have that problem. Editing is one of the most expensive aspects of publishing, so a publishing house does not want to sign on authors with grammar issues because fixing those issues is expensive. So be honest with yourself about your abilities.

  • You need to be a voracious reader.

Reading is one of the best learning tools a writer has. Every genre has unspoken rules, and by reading in your genre of choice, you’ll understand those rules. You’ll also have a better grasp of what your future target audience expects. I’m always taken aback when I ask an aspiring writer what the last five books were in the genre they’re thinking of pursuing, and they tell me they don’t read. I haven’t come up with a good response to that yet, although I think standing there with my mouth hanging open speaks for itself.

  • And last, but not least, understand that it can take a very long time to find success in this industry.

First books are often not worthy of publication and that’s okay. You should look at them like stepping stones, and you might have more than one book that never gets published. I have seven, and again, that’s okay with me. They were my stepping stones, and with each one written and rejected, I received wonderful, and occasionally scathing, advice from agents, pointing out in detail what I was doing wrong. Did that advice hurt at times? You bet it did. However, I learned so much, and if I would have taken the rejections to heart and abandoned my writing, I would have never seen one of my books in print, which I have to admit is a very cool thing to see.

So there you have it – my top five suggestions. Thanks for stopping by, and if you are an aspiring writer, good luck and God bless!


And now, a question for you to answer if you’d like to enter to win a copy of “Behind the Scenes.”

What is another suggestion a person thinking about writing a book might find helpful? 

Leave your answer in the comments for a chance to win!

jen turanoA USA Today Best-Selling Author, Jen Turano is known for penning quirky historical romances set in the Gilded Age. When she’s not writing, Jen spends her time roaming around Denver with her husband and friends. She can be found on Facebook at, or visit her on the web at She is represented by the Natasha Kern Literary Agency.

Monday Cuppa--Live for the Moments


Happy Monday, friends!

I've been struggling this week. I'm attempting and rather poorly to juggle health-issues, a book deadline, and life in general (time with God, time with my family, errands, etc.). It's got me thinking A LOT about balance and priorities. My husband gave me a book he read ages ago, but I'd imagine the majority of you have heard about it--Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Have you read it?

I'm so excited to dive further into this book. The little I've read so far has been amazing. Yes, I'm decades behind the curve ball, but that's okay. It's never too late to look at your priorities and re-evaluate. When was the last time you revisited your priorities? Any books, tools or suggestions you've found particularly helping for finding balance in your life?

Because, here's the thing, life is a collection of moments. Big moments, little moments, and they're all a gift, but who and what we invest time in is what matters. I've decided to live for the moments you can’t put into words.


To me that those moments mean time with God, time with family and friends, and pursuing the passion God put in my heart for writing.

How about you? What are your top four priorities?


Writing: My personal time machine

One of the primary reasons I write is to share my love for the place I grew up and the ancestors who have lived there for more than two hundred years. Especially since so many of those people are long gone.

I grew up in a house where we told stories. Well, mostly my dad told stories. And they were TRUE stories. Well, mostly true stories.

Dad’s family has lived in that little corner of West Virginia for seven generations. (I’m the seventh–my nieces and nephews are the eighth). My ancestors reach back to the days when West Virginia was just Virginia. And the tales have accumulated like leaf litter, growing deeper and richer year after year.

There were the characters I actually met–Gail Phillips, (great) Grandma Jane, (great) Aunt Bess and a handful of other aunts, uncles, and cousins. Then there were the characters I could never know firsthand–Grandpa Rex, Grandma Nellie, Uncle Judd, Celly, and a whole raft of other, colorful characters.

These people live in Dad’s stories. They were and still are real to me. Which is why I was so delighted the day I went to see Aunt Bess, then almost 100-years-old, and she forgot who was dead and who was still alive.

Aunt Bess had shared stories about my family before, but on this day, she thought family members long gone were still around. She said she guessed Judd and Rex were still up there on the farm. I was taken aback at first, but decided to play along. “They are,” I said. “Judd put in a garden?” “He has—and it’s doing real well.”

She said he always grew the best tomatoes. And I could just picture my great uncle in the garden staking tomato plants and pinching back suckers so the fruit would thrive. I could see him picking a ripe tomato and eating it with some of Aunt Bess’s amazing bread. It was all so clear—so very real.

And so we chatted about family–the people whose stories I knew so well they were practically still alive to me. And for the space of an afternoon, Aunt Bess and I traveled back in time and those people were alive. They grew tomatoes and basked in the sunshine of a mountain summer. And I’m pretty sure they loved me like they’d known me since the day I was born.

Aunt Bess is gone now. She was 102 when she was finally reunited with everyone who had gone on before. And Gail is gone and Grandma Jane’s been gone and so are most all the rest.

But not really. Not so long as I have a time machine built into my heart and my mind that lets me set these people down on paper. It’s something well worth writing about.

Tapestry of Secrets Giveaway


Sarah is generously giving away a copy of her book, A Tapestry of Secrets. Simply answer the question below in the comments for a chance to win.

What family story do you think would make a great novel?

Sarah LoudinSarah Loudin Thomas grew up on a 100-acre farm in French Creek, WV. Her Christian fiction is set in West Virginia and celebrates the people, the land, and the heritage of Appalachia. Her first novel, Miracle in a Dry Season, released in 2014 through Bethany House and won several awards for debut fiction. Her fourth novel, The Sound of Rain, releases in November 2017.

Sarah and her husband Jim live in the mountains of Western North Carolina where she currently oversees fundraising and communications for a Christian children’s home in Black Mountain, NC. Sarah is active in her local church and enjoys cooking and–you guessed it–reading.

Monday Cuppa - Mother's Day Reflections

Happy Monday, friends!


I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. My family and I spent it at our eldest daughter's and her hubby's house, enjoying lunch, laughter and the little ones. How'd you spend your day?

Mother's Day can be wonderful, but it can also be hard. While I had a fabulous time with my family, I couldn't help but think about my own Mom who went home to be with the Lord five years ago, and her mother just shortly after. Both of these women deeply shaped my life and I'm so grateful.

How about you? Who in your life has left the biggest imprint?

It's so important to me for my grandkids to know about my mom and my grandma, so I share stories about them. My daughters and I reminisce about the funny things they did and the years of good memories. The greatest way to let someone live on in your life is to tell their stories. All of our lives are a journey made up of stories, and telling them keeps the journey going, it allows their legacy to live on. So, embrace the journey and keep telling the stories.



Monday Cuppa--RT Booklovers Convention

Happy Monday, friends!

I hope you've had your happy cup of coffee. I've had several. I've just returned from the fantastic Romantic Times Booklovers convention in Atlanta. I had the best time meeting readers and connecting with old and new friends, but, boy, am I lagging today. Fortunately, I was able to overcome the hardship of making coffee before I had my coffee ;)



...I thought I'd share some moments from my time at RT Booklovers Convention.

My time at RT started with a super fun Meet & Greet. I got the privilege of meeting so many readers and seeing some dear friends (Suzie and Carrie, waving hi!). And, the gorgeous flower delivery made my day. Thanks, honey. You are the best!

Wednesday night my fabulous publisher Bethany House/Baker hosted a yummy meal at the famous PittyPat's Restaurant.

Love being part of such an awesome book family!

Fast-forward to Saturday, and the Giant Book Fair. It was awesome. Adored seeing so many incredible literary fans! It was inspiring. Thanks to everyone who dropped by to say hi!

Hope your week is off to an inspiring start!



Monday Cuppa--Expedition: Still Life Winners!

Happy Monday, friends!

Thank you SO much to everyone who participated in Expedition: Still Life. I loved chatting with you all and enjoying the journey with you. A special shout out to the bloggers who hosted me. You're all amazing!

APRIL 4 - Heidi Reads

APRIL 6 - Mocha with Linda

APRIL 11 - Bethany House Fiction 

APRIL 13 - Reading is My Superpower

APRIL 18 - Christian Bookshelf Reviews

APRIL 20 - Just Commonly

APRIL 25 - Finding Wonderland (Rissi Writes) 



The Winners!


Expedition Still Life winner:

Now for the really fun news....the winner of Expedition: Still Life is Amy O'Quinn. I was super excited to learn after Amy's name was chosen that Amy is a fellow author. You can check out her website here. She's also a fellow homeschool mom. So exciting. Congrats, Amy!

I Love Bloggers Winner:

And the winner of my I Love Bloggers portion of the giveaway is Rissi of Finding Wonderland.

Congratulations, Rissi!

I hope you all have a wonderful week. I'm off to the Romantic Times convention in Atlanta. If you're in the area, I'd love to see you. I'll be participating in the Giant Book Fair on Saturday from 11-2. You can find all the details by clicking here.

Oh, and if you haven't already snagged a debut novel, Submerged, is free on ebook for the month of May. Grab your copy from your favorite retailer by clicking here.

Thanks, friend! Have an adventurous week.


Monday Cuppa: Expedition Finale

Happy Monday, friends!



On 4/25  we'll be traveling to the quaint and delicious Baltimore neighborhood of Little Italy via Rissi's Finding Wonderland blog.  Why do I love Rissi and her fantastic blog? What's not to love? Rissi is so encouraging, supportive and just plain fun. And, her blog is fantastic. If you haven't had the chance to visit Wonderland yet, you definitely must and since Rissi is hosting the final stop along Expedition: Still Life, now you have the perfect chance. Thanks, Rissi, for taking part in Expedition: Still Life. It's a true honor to be on Finding Wonderland.

Thank you SO much to everyone who has joined me for Expedition: Still Life! It's been a blast. Be sure to grab your last stamp at Rissi's on Tuesday and be entered to win a fun gift card, along with getting one last entry for the grand prize in. The winner will randomly be drawn and announced on next week's Monday Cuppa. Best of luck!


Writing When You Just Can’t

From your desk comes the sound of a demon being unleashed in your living room. When you look up, heart in your throat, you realize it’s just the dog. Vomiting all over the white carpet! While pouring over the latest edits, the deadline looms over you like an anvil. That’s when you throw out your back—simply by flipping your hair over your shoulder.

Or you’re in a taekwondo class, gleaning real-life experience for that next fight scene, when you step back to do a combo you’ve done a million times—and POP! TWANG! You’ve torn your calf muscle and reduced your life to hobbling and doctor’s appointments.

Writing when you just can't

And sometimes, all of those things happen at once.

Life has an often cruel and unrelenting attitude when it comes to interfering with writing time. I mean, we’ve got the time slotted in our planners and fancy stickers to mark the time and projected word count. Or we’ve logged into a NaNoWriMo-style program to keep us motivated and on track. But then—LIFE!

I’ve homeschooled for the last eighteen years and I’m about to graduate my youngest—twin boys. And I have book contracts with two publishers. But life isn’t slowing down. And it’s certainly not giving me any consideration in what it throws at me. Friends often ask how I do it, and the answer I give is rather oversimplified, but essentially true: I just do. The adage is true that we make time for what’s important to us, but perhaps I can share a few tips I’ve employed the last few years during life’s unusually rough treatment.


We will get to physical breaks in a moment, but I mean this mentally. If you’re anything like me, you’re hard on yourself. Maybe even dealing with unrealistic expectations. Part of my weekly chores growing up were cleaning baseboards. I’m not sure when the baseboards here were last cleaned (I really should fire that maid. . . just kidding—I am the maid). Realize that truly, you cannot do everything on your own. Sacrifices will be made, and they might feel bloody and violent. Sing Elsa’s Let It Go, and free yourself!


Not even kidding. The best thing we can do for ourselves during high stress is get some physical exercise, which could be as simple as walking the dog (cat? Invisible monkey?) into the backyard and breathing clean air, un-word-ified air. Science has proven that a little exercise helps oxygenate your brain cells, which stirs creativity. For this reason, no matter the deadline I’m under, I go to taekwondo and kick bag has many times and as hard as I can (this is especially helpful when a character is being obstinate).


This can be a two-edged sword because family comes first, but family also needs to understand and support you as you work toward deadlines that, ultimately can help put food on the table and clothes on the children. Chores might need a break as much you need one from doing them. Buy take out or—as I’ve recently started doing—organize easy meals in a planner and buy groceries once a week.


Yes, life is always going to interfere. It’s not looking out for you (though we have a God Who does), so—as my friend Shannon McNear and I were talking about recently—there may be a time where you need to step back from writing to recover pieces (chunks?) of yourself and your sanity. Sometimes, writing does need to take the back seat, though this is the except rather than the rule—because again, LIFE! Conspiracy of Silence Cover


What advice would you give to a writer locked in mortal combat against life to defend their writing time? Leave a comment below for your chance to win a copy of Ronie's book, Conspiracy of Silence,


KendigRonie Kendig is an award-winning, bestselling author of over fifteen novels. She grew up an Army brat, and now she and her Army-veteran husband have an adventurous life in Northern Virginia with their children and a retired military working dog, VVolt N629. Ronie's degree in Psychology has helped her pen novels of intense, raw characters.

Monday Cuppa--Expedition Week 3

Happy Monday, friends!

I pray you had a wonderful Easter remembering Our Lord rising from the dead and conquering the grave.


As a family we had a blessed time. Now we're off for Expedition: Still Life's third week. I'm so excited about this week's stops.


On 4/18 on we'll be traveling to the stunning Port of Baltimore via  Christian Bookshelf Reviews. Why do I love Melanie and her fantastic blog? Because Melanie was gracious enough to feature me and my debut novel, Submerged, all those years ago when I was an unknown author. She's hosted or reviewed each novel of mine since. What an incredible supporter. Thanks, Melanie, for taking part in Expedition: Still Life. It's a true honor to be on Christian Bookshelf Reviews.


On 4/20 we are headed for Ft. Howard and some inside photos of one of Still Life's creepier locations via Annie's Just Commonly blog. Last week I introduced you to Carrie from Reading Is My SuperPower. Annie and Carrie are two of the three coordinators of the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat. I'm so ecstatic to be attending again this year, especially since I'll get to give Annie a great big hug. She is the spunkiest, sweetest, super reader I've ever met.

Hope you'll drop by both blogs, be entered for this week's giveaway, along with a chance to grab two more passport stamps along with two more entries for the grand prize. New to the Expedition? Don't worry, you can catch up by clicking here.

See you on the Expedition!


Dani Pettrey Comments
Monday Cuppa--The Expedition Continues!


Happy Monday, friends!



I hope you are thoroughly enjoying Expedition: Still Life! We're off onto two new stops this week:


On Tuesday 4/11 we'll be journeying to Avery Tate's (from Still Life) neighborhood of Federal Hill via my fantastic publisher, Bethany House's fiction blog hosted by the effervescent Amy Green (fiction publicist and all-around fantastic lady). Thanks to Amy for offering to take part in Expedition: Still Life! Why do I adore working with Amy so much? Because she's an out-of-the-box thinker, super creative, witty, and sweet as can be.


On Thursday 4/13 we'll be journeying to one of my favorite neighborhood's, Fell's Point, on  Reading Is My Superpower. Why do I adore Carrie's blog? Because I adore Carrie. She's warm, giving, and a huge Christian fiction reader and advocate. So much so, she with two other awesome ladies, started the Christian Fiction Reader's Retreat. Not familiar with the retreat, check it out here. It's fantastic and I'm honored to be one of the keynote speakers this August. So, if you're in the Ohio area, or feel some trip fever coming on, join us. You won't regret it. I promise.  Thanks so much to Carrie for hosting me this week. Super honored to be on her awesome blog.


This week's prizes include a LifeWay gift card and a Christian Book Distributors gift card, and don't forget about the grand prize!  

Grand Prize 

Since we’re spending the month on Expedition, the grand prize is an Expedition: Still Life vintage leather travel tote full of locally-procured goodies (and some of the Chesapeake Valor gang’s favorites) to help you travel in coordinated style. It includes the following:

  • Autographed copy of Still Life (to read on your next trip)
  • Still Life Tote Bag (for carrying around all your sightseeing gear)
  • Still Life Disposable Camera (to take pictures of your travels)
  • Still Life Magnetic Picture Frame (to share your travel pics on your fridge)
  • Milk Makeup Sleep Mask & Cooling Gel Insert (to help you rest and keep your eyes looking refreshed)
  • L’Occitane Floral Cherry Blossom Voyage Set (in honor of cherry blossom season)
  • Blush Infinity Scarf (to keep you traveling in style)
  • Collapsible Water Bottle (to keep you hydrated)


Not familiar with Expedition: Still Life. No worries. Here's where you can find all the information you need to participate: 

Click the image below to find all the details so you can join in!

Still Life Contest

See you in Fed Hill and Fell's Point.

Enjoy the journey,

Dani Pettrey Comments
Monday Cuppa--Expedition: Still Life Begins!

Happy Monday, friends!


I am SO excited to kick off Expedition: Still Life today!

What is Expedition: Still Life?

I'm so glad you asked. Expedition: Still Life is a fantastically fun adventure with two blog stops every Tuesday and Thursday throughout April where you can learn about a location from my latest release, Still Life. At each stop you'll be able to enter that particluar blog's gift card giveaway (gift cards vary from Starbucks to Amazon to Barnes & Noble), as well as collecting a custom designed virtual passport stamp, which enters you to win the Grand Prize. Each Expedition stamp you collect at my favorite blog location stops earns you another entry for the Grand Prize.


Where are this week's stops? 


On Tuesday 4/4 we'll be journeying to Charm City via Heidi Reads blog. Why I love Heidi's blog? It starts with Heidi herself. She is warm, caring and super supportive. She's actually the second place winner of my recent Still Life Photo contest with her on location pic at an art museum. Way to go the extra mile! In addition, Heidi maintains an awesome blog where she reviews a plethora of Christian fiction. Thanks, Heidi. Honored to be on your blog this week.

On Thursday 4/6 we'll be journeying to Parker Mitchell's neighborhood on Mocha with Linda's blog. Why I adore Linda? What's not to adore about Linda. I had the privilege and joy of meeting Linda in person when she was kind enough to interview a fairly brand new writer about her debut novel. Thanks, Linda! Honored to be on your blog this week.


What is the Grand Prize? 

Since we’re spending the month on Expedition, the grand prize is an Expedition: Still Life vintage leather travel tote full of locally-procured goodies (and some of the Chesapeake Valor gang’s favorites) to help you travel in coordinated style. It includes the following:

  • Autographed copy of Still Life (to read on your next trip)
  • Still Life Tote Bag (for carrying around all your sightseeing gear)
  • Still Life Disposable Camera (to take pictures of your travels)
  • Still Life Magnetic Picture Frame (to share your travel pics on your fridge)
  • Milk Makeup Sleep Mask & Cooling Gel Insert (to help you rest and keep your eyes looking refreshed)
  • L’Occitane Floral Cherry Blossom Voyage Set (in honor of cherry blossom season)
  • Blush Infinity Scarf (to keep you traveling in style)
  • Collapsible Water Bottle (to keep you hydrated)




Where can I find all the information I need to participate?

Click the image below to find all the details so you can join in!

Still Life Contest



Surprise Saturday!

Hi friends,


Here's the BIG news!!!! 

[video width="480" height="270" mp4=""][/video]

Are you so excited? I'm can't wait. If you can't either, you can check out the Expedition landing page here, and be sure to stop by Monday Cuppa right here in two days to get started. Can't wait to share this time and journey with you!


Monday Cuppa--Something Exciting!


Happy Monday, friends!


Hope you're Monday is off to a coffee-filled start.

Grab another cup, and join me for this short video announcement. It's the start of something fun!


[video width="480" height="270" mp4=""][/video]

Here's your first clue! 

Here's to a week of happy clue-collecting!


Dani Pettrey Comments
Monday Cuppa--It's Spring

Happy Monday, friends!

Happy first day of Spring!!


I'm such a warm-weather girl, I still can't figure out how I ended up on the east coast, though I dearly love it here. I really believe I was meant to live in Hawaii. Warm temperatures, crystal blue water, white, sandy beaches.... Speaking of beaches, I'm away this week at the beach, finishing up the first draft of book four in my Chesapeake Valor series. Prayers appreciated for God to let the words flow.

How about you? What's your favorite Italian Ice or Snowball flavor? 

Blessings from the beach,

Dear Brave, Weary Writer: Press On.

Amanda Dykes Dear Brave Weary Writer Dear Brave, Weary Writer: Press On.

Somewhere in creation, the Author of Life set words into motion and has used them ever since as the tiniest, most unlikely of tools to regularly move entire mountains. Messengers sent to mend, bridge, inspire, redeem…to point hearts toward Him.

It’s breathtaking, really—and what a thing! That we get to be some small part such a work.

And if we’re being honest, like any calling, we can find the road difficult at times. Beautiful, absolutely worth every step, yet difficult and sometimes requiring more than we feel we have in us.

If you are looking at the terrain of this writing road, feeling tired after the mountains you’ve climbed, or discouraged at the mountain ahead, or perhaps those whispers of doubt are flocking:

Do these words matter?

Is it worth it?

Should I keep going?

Weary sojourner, rest a while. Breathe deep, turn your face toward the sun, and before you go, gather a few tools for the journey ahead: three ways to press on.

Press In.

Turn from the lists, the reviews, the ratings and sales numbers that clamor for attention. They all have their place, but they aren’t the ones who have the power to equip us with strength, keep us going, breathe life into the weariest places within.

Or when the headlines in the world make you wonder if these words you’re hammering out even matter—fix your eyes on Him. Did He give you this story? Write it. You don’t know whose life it may change, offer hope to.

Press in to Him, and let Him decide what to do with those words.  Be filled, refreshed, ignited—and write on.

Press Pause.

Perhaps it’s ironic, even contradictory—how can one “press on” by pressing pause? Isn’t that the opposite? But with the ebb and flow of the writing life and schedule, there may come times when our logic tries to tell us that we have no time. We can’t afford to pause. When our minds are at beyond capacity and there isn’t a speck of whitespace in our planners and all we can think of is “If I can just get through this…”

And yes, absolutely—there are times where the “ebb and flow” is more of a waterfall of gargantuan force. But even—and perhaps especially?—in those times,  a crucial part of making it through is by pressing pause.

You may not have time for a day trip, but could you carve out 10 minutes for a cup of tea in a spot of sunshine? To read a Psalm, to refuel and remember Whose story this is, and what He created you for—communion with Him.

Perhaps you’ve had to say “no” to more things than you care to in this season, but could you buck against the schedule, step out on the front porch, and send a friend a quick text or write them a card, pop it in the mail? “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24). Such life to be found in such a simple gesture, even in the midst of a crazy schedule.

Your laptop may be calling, and the choke of short time ushering in anxiety—but could you stop for 5 minutes at the mailbox cluster to ask your neighbor how they’re doing? Could you kneel to look the little ones in your home in the eye, hold them close and read them a story of their own for 15 minutes? For if we can’t touch lives with the story we’re living, then what’s the use of a story we’re writing?

You no doubt have already mastered all of these things, and many more. It took some time for me to learn all of this, by His grace and patience—and I still have so much to learn.

But one thing I know: that in pressing “pause”, He equips us to be able to press on.

Press Out.

Maybe the project you’re working on feels bigger than you. Deeper than you expected. Too out-of-the-box or weighty or outside your comfort zones. Just too much, plain and simple.

Timid me doesn’t like to think it, but also thrills at the truth of this: this is a good thing.

We have a God who is always, always summoning us closer, deeper, farther. Asking us to step outside the comfort zone. To Press Out.

And we can only, only find the strength and wisdom for such a task by first Pressing In, and by often Pressing Pause.

In the 1300’s, these were the first uses of this verb, “Press”:

  • "to clasp, embrace"
  • "push against"

Let’s clasp hold of the calling, embrace the one who has called us and beckons us to pause, and push against those walls around our comfort zone.

Press in. Press pause. Press out.  

… and Press on, brave writer. You are His, your words are His, and He is deeply at work.


The Message in a Bottle

What about you? What helps you “press on” when the going gets tough or particularly intense? I’d love to glean from your wisdom in the comments! We will choose one lucky comment to win a copy of my newest release, The Message in a Bottle Romance Collection, autographed by all 5 authors! Just leave a comment, and we’ll draw a winner. Thanks for joining us today!)


Amanda Dykes is a drinker of tea, dweller of Truth, and spinner of hope-filled tales. She spends most days chasing wonder and words with her family, who love a good blanket fort and a stack of read-alouds. Give her a rainy day, a candle to read by, an obscure corner of history to dig in, and she’ll be happy for hours. She is the author of the critically acclaimed Bespoke: a Tiny Christmas Tale,  a contributing author to the newsly-released Message in a Bottle Romance Collection, and enjoys connecting with her readers.


Monday Cuppa--Inside a Writer's Chaos a.k.a Office


Hope you're having a strong coffee morning. 


I always find it so fascinating how vastly different various authors' workspaces can be. I suppose they are unique, just as our stories are. Today, I thought I'd share a glimpse into my writing domain. I'll admit it, I cleaned up a bit for the photos :)

My office is the sunroom off my kitchen. I love that so much light floods in. 

A picture of me and Little Man on an adorable typewriter holder from a dear friend. 

(I think it's super important to keep reminders of what gifts God has given to fill your life with joy. You'll see several below.)

 A sign from my daughter that means the world to me <3

 Gifts from my daughters and cards from dear friends. 

(Yes. We are BIG Guardian of the Galaxy&Star Wars fans. We have a saying in our house, 'It's all wookie'.)

A letter from my all-time favorite mystery writer--Sue Grafton. 

What about you? What does your office space look like? What motivational items do you keep around to keep you inspired? Feel free to comment below or, even better, share a pic!

Have a blessed Monday,

Simple Steps to Keep Your Writing Fresh

Simple Steps to Keep your Writing Fresh So I’ve written a lot of books. Of those books, more than fifty have actually been published. People ask me if I’ll ever run out of ideas. I don’t know that answer (I hope not because I love writing!), but I do know that I currently have a whole list of books I want to write. Some ideas are just nuggets—flashes of a premise or a character—while others are well-developed as they’ve simmered in my mind for a while.

The tricky part about writing so many books is figuring out how to keep my ideas fresh. I don’t want each book to be a repeat of previous ones, and, occasionally, I do get stuck writing a storyline that seems a little too familiar. That’s when I have to back track and make sure there are no repeated plots!


There are a few things I’ve learned to do to keep my creative juices flowing.

  • Try a new location. I’m amazed at how inspired I am simply being taking a road trip. It doesn’t have to be far away, but maybe just a small town that I’ve never explored. Something about being in a new place almost always sparks my imagination.
  • Read a new book. Sometimes the best thing I can do for myself as a writer is to read. That should go without saying. But reading books outside of my normal genre helps me to see stories in a different light. Some stories inspire me, and make me want to try new things. Others show me things that I want to avoid. A good book always makes me want to be a better writer.
  • Meet new people. There’s something about meeting people who are different from me and from my normal circles that always gets my juices going. I suppose I have a habit of studying people and trying to figure out what makes them tick. Stimulating conversation with people who think differently than me or who have interesting pasts always get my imagination going. Where do you find these people? Maybe try a new bible study group at church or accept that invitation from an old friend you. Attend a new play group with your kids or say yes to a new committee at your child’s school. There are all kinds of ways!
  • Study new articles. Truth can be stranger than fiction. I like to read various publications, especially crime reports and stories. I always get ideas. Sometimes I like to read magazines that have articles on different cultures or new discoveries, and they can also inspire ideas.
  • Say yes to a new hobby. Sometimes just trying new things is what you need to get you out of your routine and get those juices flowing. It doesn’t have to be a big commitment. Maybe you can take a class on remote control vehicles (there’s one of these offered a place down the street!). Maybe try skydiving on one of those indoor facilities. Take a horseback riding class. Sit in on a free seminar at the library. Then start asking “What if . . . ?” That’s the start of every great novel.

Stories abound. They’re everywhere. And sometimes getting away from our normal is just what we need to keep our writing fresh and our minds refreshed.



Congratulations to Paula Shreckhise for winning last week's giveaway. This week you have a chance to win a copy of Ready to Fumble. Simply leave a comment for a chance to win. Answer the question:

How do you keep your creativity flowing?


About Christy Barritt

USA Today has called Christy Barritt's books "scary, funny, passionate, and quirky.” Christy writes both mystery and romantic suspense novels that are clean with underlying messages of faith. Her books have won the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Suspense and Mystery, have been twice nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, and have finaled for both a Carol Award and Foreword Magazine's Book of the Year.

She's married to her prince charming, a man who thinks she's hilarious—but only when she's not trying to be. Christy's a self-proclaimed klutz, an avid music lover who's known for spontaneously bursting into song, and a road trip aficionado. 

Christy currently splits her time between the Virginia suburbs and Hatteras Island, North Carolina. She has more than fifty books published with over one million copies sold.

For more information, visit her website:

Still Life Contest Winners Announced!


And our winners are...

Still Life Contest Winners


1st Prize - Our Grand Prize winner:  Lisa Kelley

I was so excited to see Lisa's picture was the grand prize winner. Loved it the creative elements and you even got the dog to pose! Great job and thanks so much for participating.


Lisa's 1st place Prizes include:

  • Digital water-proof Camera (get ready for adventure!) and full accessory pack
  • Camera lens coffee travel mug
  • Baltimore coffee from Baltimore Coffee & Tea Company
  • Baltimore Maryland chocolates from 2910 On The Square
  • Chesapeake Bay BBQ sauce from 2910 On The Square
  • Vaccaro’s cookies from Little Italy
  • Local Artist Chesapeake Bay Photo produced by Baltimore printing company Canvas Brothers
  • Autographed copy of Still Life
  • Magnetic Still Life frame
  • Camera-themed Photo album
  • Still Life tote bag


2nd Place: Heidi Robbins

Also, thrilled to see Heidi won second place. Love that she traveled to an art museum to take the picture. So fun! Thanks, Heidi.

Heidi's 2nd place prize includes:

  • Camera-shaped zip drive
  • Camera lens coffee travel mug
  • Baltimore coffee from Baltimore Coffee & Tea Company
  • Local Artist Lighthouse Photo produced by Baltimore printing company Canvas Brothers
  • Autographed copy of Still Life
  • Magnetic Still Life frame
  • Still Life Tote bag

3rd place winner: Kim Hulett

And congrats to our third place winner, Kim Hulett. Thanks so much for entering!

Kim's 3rd place prize includes:

  • Camera bracelet and earrings
  • Autographed copy of Still Life
  • Disposable Still Life camera
  • Magnetic Still Life frame
  • Still Life Tote bag

Thank you to everyone for participating and entering. I absolutely loved seeing all the creative photos. Here are just a few of the photo entries:

Photo Contest Collage

Congrats again to the winners, you should receive an e-mail from me today! If you didn't win, never fear, I have something super fun planned for next month. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for the announcement.


Monday Cuppa--Updates & Thanks

Happy Monday, friends!

It's been a busy couple weeks for me. I was battling a sinus infection, spent time away with my hubby, worked on line edits for Blind Spot, worked on my current wip, spent time with my kids and grandkids, and had a super fun and encouraging book launch party for Still Life. Thanks to the Bel Air, Barnes & Noble for hosting me once again. You always make me feel so welcome! As did all my reader friends. Here's a few pics from the day!


Before I sign off, I wanted to remind you there are only two days left to enter my Still Life Photo Contest. Be sure to check out the contest page. (No photo required to enter for those who are camera shy ;)

Still Life Photo Contest

Hope you all have a blessed Monday!

Dani Pettrey Comments
Tips for Making Your Characters Talk

  Tips for making your character to talk Jessica R. Patch

Ever been frustrated by a character/s who wants to stay tight-lipped? I have. Many times. I’ve also been bombarded by loose-lipped characters I’m not supposed to be talking to as they are not on deadline with me. Equally frustrating (and thrilling). But when I need to focus on the WIP at present, I use 3 tips to pry my characters open and release a flood of great scenes. I hope they’ll work for you too. (Prayer goes without saying so that one isn’t included!)

Create a playlist

Some writers don’t listen to music while they write (I do), but you don’t have to in order for characters to share and scenes to flood your imagination. Prior to writing, I go into Spotify and find a few songs that have “all the feels” then I close my eyes and listen. Sometimes I stretch out on my bed and sometimes I go for a walk with ear buds in, and I let my mind wander. It truly doesn’t take long before a kernel of dialogue or a snippet of a scene pops into my head and runs wild, and I let it.

Another great tool is Pandora. My favorite station is Jon McLaughlin. He’s my favorite for all those emotional feels and the songs that play on his radio station are similar. When I find one that really sings to me, I add it to my Spotify playlist.

One last thing, if I hear a song that plays during an emotional or romantic moment on TV, I Google the TV show, the episode, and find that song—then I add it to my playlist.

Read a writing craft book

Craft books are helpful for learning to write, revise, and structure a book. But I like to read them when I’m stumped as well. It never fails that as I’m revisiting a book, scenes and ideas about my current WIP always jump out. I keep a set of note cards by me to write down everything that comes to me. My favorite craft book is Make a Scene by Jordan E. Rosenfeld. There are so many great books out there, but this one clicks with me. And I go back to it with about every manuscript I write.

Vox a friend

Have you heard of the Voxer app? It’s my fave. For someone who doesn’t care for phone calls but enjoys talking to friends when it’s convenient (is that bad?)  this app is genius. It works like a walkie talkie but you can use it to text, send photos, or gifs. You can listen in real time or check it when you have a minute. When children interrupt, you can easily stop voxing or put your friend’s vox on pause to do what you need to. I brainstorm often this way. And a bonus, I can go back and listen to our conversation whenever I want. Sometimes, you just need to verbally chat about the characters for them to open up and give you some great insight. Plus, it’s just fun! Hey if you download this FREE app, find me! Let’s chat…you know, when it’s convenient for us! *wink wink*

And we can also connect on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

So tell me, what tips work for you? Have you tried the three above?  


Leave a comment below and you'll have a chance to win a copy of my book Final Verdict. 

Thanks, Dani, for having me today!

Jessica R. Patch lives in the mid-south where she pens inspirational contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels. Her passion to see women’s faith grow into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ compels her to draw out biblical truths through flawed but redeemable characters in fiction. She’s the author of the Seasons of Hope series, several Love Inspired Suspense novels, including Fatal Reunion, Protective Duty, and Concealed Identity, and a contributing author on Everyday with Jesus, a devotional releasing in April 2017 from Guideposts. She enjoys laughing with her husband who is an ordained minister, bingeing on Netflix with her teenage daughter, and winning at UNO with her son. You can connect with Jessica at her website: