Alphabet for the Soul--H is for Hope

Happy Monday, friends! Is there any word more beautiful than Hope? describes hope as:

the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best

No offense to, but I totally disagree. Hope is not a feeling. It's a belief. Belief and trust in the One who is our hope. The One who is the anchor for our soul, firm and secure. (Hebrews 6:19)

I love the reference to an anchor. While thinking on hope the following definition came to mind.

Hope is your beacon in the dark shoals of life. Let it shine! 

Again, I love the ocean imagery. If you don't know, I'm a beach girl through and through. I married a Navy guy who loves to dive. My girls and grand babies are all swimmers. I have a shirt that says Part-time Mermaid (though my puppy ate a whole in the center of it--though I digress...). Needless to say if it involves water or the beach, I'm there.

However, here's the thing about the ocean, you can never turn your back on it. As beautiful and majestic as it is, it can also be deadly with rip currents, strong undertows, and when the storms come, unbelievably powerful and destructive. But, God says we don't have to fear. He has given us hope (Jeremiah 14:22). He is with us through deep waters (Isaiah 43:2).

We don't need to fear the storms of life. God is our anchor, firm and secure. He is with us in deep waters. He is the light of the world. He brings light to dark places and we can too. God calls us to be a light on a hill (Matt 5;14). Our hope is our light in the dark places and times of life. Hold on tight to the light and let it shine!

Some further Bible reading:

  • Romans 15:13
  • Titus 2:13
  • Jeremiah 29:11
  • Psalm 3:2-6
  • Psalm 147:11

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“H” for Hope

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