Monday Cuppa--Live for the Moments


Happy Monday, friends!

I've been struggling this week. I'm attempting and rather poorly to juggle health-issues, a book deadline, and life in general (time with God, time with my family, errands, etc.). It's got me thinking A LOT about balance and priorities. My husband gave me a book he read ages ago, but I'd imagine the majority of you have heard about it--Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Have you read it?

I'm so excited to dive further into this book. The little I've read so far has been amazing. Yes, I'm decades behind the curve ball, but that's okay. It's never too late to look at your priorities and re-evaluate. When was the last time you revisited your priorities? Any books, tools or suggestions you've found particularly helping for finding balance in your life?

Because, here's the thing, life is a collection of moments. Big moments, little moments, and they're all a gift, but who and what we invest time in is what matters. I've decided to live for the moments you can’t put into words.


To me that those moments mean time with God, time with family and friends, and pursuing the passion God put in my heart for writing.

How about you? What are your top four priorities?
