Today is launch day for Shattered!

After so many months of waiting, I am amazed the day is finally here. Today is Shattered's official release date! Yay!! To celebrate the launch, and give you an inside glimpse of Landon and Piper's world, I've put together a Pinterest board for their story. Click the image below to see the board.

Visit the Shattered Pinterest Board!


You do not need to have an account on Pinterest to view the board, but if you do have a Pinterest account, I'd love if you'd add me as a friend :)  I look forward to seeing your favorite boards and connecting with you.

P.S. Think I've missed something on Landon & Piper's board? Some scene, recipe, or fun photo you think should be included? Post the link in my comments section below. Your suggestion might show up at the top of my Shattered board in the next few weeks!
