Note to Readers


Hi friends, 

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's post. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, you can here.

Today, I want to share some news with you.

After a lot of prayer and time of reflection, I've decided in an effort to better communicate with all my readers in a more tangible way, and to share more behind-the-scenes glimpses into my writing life and story worlds, I'll be communicating via monthly newsletters instead.

I've got some really fun peeks behind the creative curtain planned and I hope if you aren't already signed up for my newsletter that you'll take a moment to do so right here: Hot Mess Writing Newsletter

I look forward to sharing the first edition of Hot Mess Writing--A Peek Behind the Creative Curtain with you in January.

Along with sharing some wonderful sources of inspiration to me with interviews and visits with Wendy Pope and Suzie Eller of Proverbs 31, as well as an incredible interview you won't want to miss by my friend and mentor Dee Henderson. 

See you in early January! 

Happy New Year! 


Dani Pettrey5 Comments