Inside an Editor’s Office

Have you ever wondered what the inside of a publishing house looked like? I had. I am a very visual person so every time I send my manuscript out (usually via email) I wondered where it was being opened on the other end. How large were the buildings? Was it chaotic and hectic inside like a NYC news room? Was it calm and sedate like the Masterpiece Theatre guy sitting in his leather reading chair before the fire? I imagined it was somewhere in between. Well, back in May I had the amazing opportunity to visit my publishing house. Bethany House flew me and several other authors new to BHP out to Minnesota to visit with them. Karen, my substantive editor, met me at the airport and I fell in love with her immediately—she is so warm and gracious. We made the short drive to BHP and then I was given the grand tour. It wasn’t chaotic like a news room, but it certainly was not sedate like the guy in the reading chair. Everyone there was unique and memorable and so excited to welcome us into the Bethany House family. It was great to see how every department—editorial, marketing, design… works together to make each book the very best it can be. Walking through the halls, meeting each and every person, it was clear they were passionate about stories and passionate about glorifying God through those stories. I feel incredibly blessed to be part of such a wonderful team of people, such a welcoming family. I know I say it a lot, but it’s true. I’ve been completely overwhelmed (in a wonderful way) by the gift God has given me of working with them. Here are some pictures from my visit. I had the opportunity to visit with Regina Jennings a debut historical author who y’all will love, Becky Wade a fellow contemporary author, and Nancy Mehl who is writing Amish romantic suspense. Amish romantic suspense…doesn’t that sound fun!

Dani Pettrey and fellow Bethany House Authors

Dani Pettrey with her editors