Favorite Friday:Coffee Coasters

I have decided with the launch of my gorgeous new website that I will be posting a Favorite each Friday both here and on my Facebook Fan page. It will give you all a chance to get to know me a little bit better and I am hoping through your replies that I’ll get to know you a little better too. To kick off Favorite Fridays I am starting with a favorite coaster of mine. Yes—a coaster. Check it out:  

This one sits on my writing desk and every time I lift my mug for sip of coffee, I see it and smile.

Three more came in the set:

So now that I’ve shared my favorite set of coasters…what about you? Do you have any fun, quirky coasters or signs in your house that brighten your day? (Feel free to share photos too)

Looking forward to hearing about what makes you smile.

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