Not Perseverance After All


Hi friends,

Happy to be back with you today! As the title alludes, this originally was going to be a post about preserving through difficult times, but then I realized, to my surprise, it wasn’t about perseverance at all.

To say life has been a rollercoaster lately is an understatement. I went in for cataract surgery a couple of weeks ago. Everyone told me it was easy. Everyone around me who’d gotten the procedure done had a wonderful experience.

I’m typically the medical anomaly. Well, an anomaly in general, but that’s a post for another day :D This time the medical anomaly held true. Everything was going smoothly until my doctor went to put the new lens in. Due to childhood trauma, the capsule they typically put the lens in, burst. I won’t go into full detail, but in my doctor’s words while I’m lying on the surgical table were, “everything just went south.” Definitely not the encouraging words I was hoping to hear.

Read the full story on the Inspired by Fiction blog HERE.

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