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Monday Cuppa Moment




I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a scream for coffee this morning and fortunately I'm at the beautiful Hershey Lodge for the Munce Group CPE Show where I am about to grab a Cocoa Beanery famous hot chocolate with a nice shot of espresso to chase the yawns away. How about you? Any fun coffee or tea drinks on your morning agenda?

I've got something really fun for you for this week's Cuppa Moment. You're the first to see Reef & Kirra's Character Dossiers. They won't be loaded onto my Fun Page until tomorrow. Hope Reef brightens your morning :)




Do Reef & Kirra look like you pictured them? If not, feel free to share some actor/actress pictures of who you envisioned.



Monday Cuppa Moments

Happy Monday, Or, for those of you who are like me, this is probably a better Monday greeting:

3e8b0bbe64bee7806316530c2753b08cIt's so hard to believe it's a brand new year, and with that comes new year resolutions.


I don't typically make new year resolutions, but this year I've decided to give it a go.

My resolution?

To connect more faithfully with you all throughout the year.

How do I plan to do that?

By starting each week with a good cup of coffee and a small note to you. My hope is that you'll grab a cuppa of your favorite beverage and join me for a little while. The 'moment' will vary each week--news updates, videos, pictures, quotes, even an occasional devotional. It'll be a time to get to know me better, and have a little fun on Monday mornings.


Who couldn't use a good cuppa and a little Monday encouragement?


What about you? What are your new year resolutions?

What Not To Do At A Writer's Retreat

I recently had the pleasure of attending two writer retreats. I'll be sharing a sneak peek inside what goes on at a writing retreat in an upcoming post, but for now, alas, I must share my top five things not to do while attending one. 1. Do not try and enter the wrong room. In doing so you may scare an elderly couple to death. It does help to pay attention to the details. For instance, there may be more than one room 4026. If you look closely at the map the kind gentleman at the check-in counter gave you, you'd see that all the rooms start with a letter and then a set of numbers.

2. Do not lose the key to your own room, especially when your arms are loaded down with books from all your author friends. You may be waiting in the hall for a while until you realize you really haven't lost your key--it has only slipped between your colored index cards. Don't you look silly.

3. Do not teach a workshop wearing a new skirt without removing the bright red clearance tag first.






4. Do not steal a napkin from the hotel restaurant. Okay, steal is a harsh word. Pay attention to what you are scooping up with your phone into your bag while at breakfast. You may find hotel property in said bag and how embarrassing is it to have to return a used cloth napkin.

5. Last but not least, do not wear the wrong shoes for the occasion. For example, ballet flats do not provide the best traction on slippery, sloping walkways and you may inadvertently end up doing the splits in front of a captive and highly amused audience.

And, how do I know all this you may ask. Yes, I'm guilty of all the above. Add in the fact that authors I greatly admire and respect were in attendance, and it was my first time attending the one conference....I fear I may not get invited back. Or, if I do, it may simply be for the entertainment I provide <sheepish grin>.

Any fun and slightly embarrassing facts you'd like to share?

Shattered for 1.99 on Kindle

Hi Friends, Just popping in to let you know that my second novel Shattered is on sale on ebook this weekend only for 1.99! Hope you'll grab a copy and help spread the word. Thanks so much!

Shattered is a fast-paced suspense and the romance thread is a sizzling undercurrent.” USA Today


Inside A Writer's Life-It ain't always pretty

The fabulous Lisa Wingate tagged me to participate in an Authors at Work: How They Do It blog hop. If you've ever been curious how an author works, here's your glimpse at me. Don't say I didn't warn you ;) 8f144f9291d872e334e897b83fe46167

  • What am I working on?

Sabotaged- Book 5 in the Alaskan Courage series  - by Dani PettreyI am working on the revisions for the final book in my Alaskan Courage series. SABOTAGED is Reef McKenna’s story and here’s a sneak peek:

Growing up, goody-two-shoes Kirra Jacobs and troublemaker Reef McKenna were always at odds. Now paired together on Yancey’s search-and-rescue canine unit, they begin to put aside old arguments as they come to see each other in a different light. Then a call comes in from the Iditarod that will push them to their limits. Kirra’s uncle, a musher in the race, has disappeared. Kirra and Reef quickly track the man, but what they discover is harrowing. Frank’s daughter has been kidnapped. In order to save her, the man must use his knowledge as a mechanical engineer to do the kidnapper’s bidding or she will die. Kirra and Reef, along with the entire McKenna family, are thrown into a race to stop a shadowy villain who is not only threatening a girl’s life, but appears willing to unleash one of the largest disasters Alaska has ever seen.

The story is actually available for pre-order already, even though it doesn't release until February of next year.  You can find pre-order links, and links to add the book to your to-be-read pile, on my Books page.

  • How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I would have to say the adventure element. All of my books feature a strong adventure thread. In my Alaskan Courage series, the McKenna family owns and operates an adventure outfitting company. All the siblings volunteer with search and rescue. I love adventure—windsurfing, skiing, hiking—and I really enjoy making a love of adventure part of my characters’ lives too.

  • Why do I write what I do?

I write inspirational romantic suspense because it incorporates so many things I love—the thrill of adventure, nail-biting suspense, the deepening of one's faith and plenty of romance.

  • How does my writing process work?


My husband says I write Tangled-style—hopefully a good number of you have seen the movie so you’ll know what I’m talking about. It’s the scene where Rapunzel first tastes freedom and she goes back and forth between ‘Best day ever’ and ‘I’m a despicable human being.’ Well, a friend sent me a writer’s version of it that sits on my desk. It has ten images with sayings like ‘This story is so awesome’ to ‘I’m a horrible author and I’m going to quit.’ I pretty much hit both extremes during my writing process—more often the latter, but it’s all just part of the process.

Now I'm tagging fun-loving Katie Ganshert and always-inspiring Rachel Hauck. Take a look at these talented authors' writing lives.

How about you? If you're a writer, how does your writing process work? And if you're a reader, have you been surprised by anything you've learned from authors about the writing process?


Winner of Fill In The Blank Contest

Thank you so much for all who participated in my and Becky Wade's Fill In The Blank Contest. It was so much fun. You've all voted and the grand prize winner (by a very narrow margin) of an autographed copy of Meant to Be Mine and a $25 Visa gift card is…

  • Lindsey Grogg

Congratulations, Lindsey!!!!

Congrats to second and third place winners Tari and Erynn on winning an autographed copy of Meant to Be Mine by Becky Wade.

If you haven't already could you email me your mailing address to or message it to me on Facebook.


Thanks so much!


And the winners are...

Thank you SO much to all who left comments. I have cherished your kind and encouraging words, and have loved spending this week before Christmas with you. I hope you enjoy the recipes and that you all have a very Merry Christmas! 7922ea303127b56b7455ee3b67c420b5













Yesterday's winners were:

  • Tracy Van Hemert
  • Chuck Guth
  • Denise Lomelino

Congratulations! Just email your mailing address and choice of book (Submerged, Shattered, and Stranded) to

Merry Christmas,

Christmas Giveaway Day #3

Good morning, It's bright and sunny for a change here. Hope you're enjoying an equally sunny day. I've been so blessed by your gracious and supportive comments this week. You've given me a wonderful Christmas present by all your kind words. Thank you!

Yesterday's winner was:

  • Tammy Cordell Hudson

Congratulations, Tammy. Email me your mailing address and choice of book (Submerged, Shattered, or Stranded) to

For the rest of you, there's still three more chances to win so keep those comments coming. And, in the meantime, here's a yummy family favorite that I hope you'll enjoy. It pairs great with Piper's Hot Cider.



Cover Reveal for Silenced!

Happy Monday, everyone! I'm getting ready to take the rest of the week off in preparation for my daughter's wedding Saturday, but wanted to share something fun with you first.

I'm happy to officially announce SILENCED will be Jake and Kayden's story and even more's the cover!!!

Would love to hear your thoughts on it.

Silenced - Book Four in the Alaskan Courage series by Dani Pettrey

Merry Christmas

It's hard to believe Christmas is almost here and that 2012 is almost to an end. It's been a crazy year for me and my family. A lot of wonderful--Submerged hitting the shelves and the bestseller lists. A lot of heartache--losing my mom and grandmother. But God is faithful. He's been carrying me this entire time and I'm so very grateful. I'm also grateful to all of you for your support and encouragement. Because of you Submerged has been nominated for Book of the Year, and Cole has won Fiction Hero of the Year. I'm thrilled you have fallen in love with the McKennas like I have. Piper's book, Shattered, will start hitting shelves mid-January. I hope you will enjoy her and Landon's journey as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'll be unplugging from the computer for the next week and a half to enjoy Christmas and New Years with my family. I have some fun stuff in store when I return to celebrate Shattered's release. Until then, I pray you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very blessed New Year.

Christmas at Rockafeller Center

God bless,

Labor Day Hike

I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. We enjoyed a glorious 8 mile hike one afternoon.

There were numerous old houses or what remained of them. It made me wonder who had lived in them and why they'd left. This particular one still had the kitchen sink and doorbell intact.

This tree was enormous and we were fascinated with how it split into two.

The vegetation was so lush. Just perfect for all the deer we saw.

These flowers had an incredible fragrance. Would love to know what they are.

How did you spend your Labor Day? Any fun adventures?

Interview with Nora St.Laurent

Today you're in for a treat. An interview with Nora St. Laurent of The Book Club Network. Let's jump right in. 

What inspired you start TBCN?

The Book Club Network was born out of a desire to share Christian Fiction authors with other book clubs, share book club ideas with other leaders and to encourage the authors who are writing such amazing books. The economy has been really tough for a few years and people are not parting with money like they used to. Through TBCN they can take their time and find the right book or win it. We have give away opportunities each month. ALL of our contests are from the 19th – 21st of the month.

I run two face-to-face book clubs, one at the Christian Book Store I work at and the other at the church I attend. It’s a position I never imagined I’d be in since I didn’t read for pleasure much before I started working in a Christian book store 11 years ago.

But since I love talking with people and the main thing to talk about in a book store is books I started reading Christian Fiction (publishers sent ARC copies to our store and I started checking them out) The first book that rocked my world and got me hooked in Christian Fiction was a book by Linda Nichols called Not a Sparrow Falls her next book did me in and I couldn’t stop talking about it, At the Scent of Water was her next book that prompted me to contact the author and let her know how much her book touched my spirit.

After reading these two books and telling customers about these reads I had a reason to read.  These books spoke to me because I wasn’t expecting it. It reminded me of the stories in the bible. Jesus is the greatest story teller and He knew a story could change a life or prick our spirit and move us in a direction we never thought we’d be in.

I tell you all that to say I’m dyslexic and I have not been a fan of reading. Movies were more my thing. I could watch a movie of a book and have a lot more fun. Reading Christian Fiction changed my life in more ways than one.  I wanted to tell everyone about the greatest book I read, and I’d do that at the book store.  It was possible to talk about the new book I read and loved for about a month or more but when At the Scent of Water and Not a Sparrow Falls were not on the shelf anymore, I had to find some other books to talk about at work.  I’m not a very fast reader so; discovering the next new book was a challenge. Would I get the book read before it disappeared from the shelf?  How long do books live on a book shelf? The shelf life of a book was a mystery to me and still is.

I was whining to my husband Fred about my problem. How can I get the word out about great books for a very long period of time??? Being a man who likes to face challenges head we began to talk about how we could do this and the fact that I can’t read books fast enough to keep up with it’s shelf life at the store.

I also told him as a book club leader I wanted to promote great books and share them with other groups. Not everyone has the advantage of working at a book store and see what new books hit the shelves each week. Another struggle I had was if I had an author speaking at my book club I wanted to share them with other book clubs in the area. How could I do that? Where are book clubs meeting?

Our answer to many of these questions and more was the birth of The Book Club Network - TBCN. Connecting authors to book clubs and readers to their books; it’s also a network of book clubs as they post what they’ve read and how the meeting turned out.

It’s a place to find where a book club is located. We have a member map where you can find a book club near you. Message them and see if they are accepting new members. I envision it to be similar to the Weight Watchers program (don’t laugh-Grin) you can go to a meeting anywhere in the country right? All you have to do is look on line and get connected. This is my hope for the future of TBCN.

That is so exciting, Nora. Have there been any surprises for you @TBCN? What benefits have you seen by bringing readers and authors together?

I’ve been encouraged and fascinated by our growth. I can see there were other people out there like me wanting to connect with other book club members.

I’ll tell you what has surprised me is the author/reader interaction each month. This is something I didn’t foresee as I’ve watch the authors are having a blast interacting with the readers and visa/versa. The beauty of this discussion is it’s there forever for all to read no matter when you join TBCN.

The authors have done a great job coming up with questions for reader to answer that give them a peek into their book – create interest and then the discussion helps book club leaders connect with the author. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the amount of authors that want to be featured @The Book Club Network. It’s been a great thing.

The interaction with the authors is almost like having a book club meeting on line. It’s a huge benefit for both the authors who’ve wanted to ask clubs questions and readers who want to get to know authors. The authors are catching on. Our sponsors have loved the interaction as well. Members have told me that they love the author interaction from the 19th-21st as much as having a chance to win all these books. It’s hard to know if a book will be a fit for your group so these interaction times are helpful for that and so much more. Another thing I love about TBCN members is the fact they are not afraid to share what they think in a good way. I’ve learned so much and laughed out loud in some discussion where the questions lead to sharing funny moments.

My hope is that book club leaders and/or members participate in the discussions and make that book connection with the author and their book. I want TBCN to be a tool for them in picking out their books. Maybe invite the author to speak to their book club on the phone. It’s my hope. The discussion will be there forever. No worries about a books shelf live here @TBCN. So, everyone has time to get to know each other!! It’s a beautiful thing!

How can readers join in the anniversary celebrations?

It’s easy to sign up to be a member of TBCN.  We ask a few questions for you to answer and for other information that helps us keep spammers and other information seekers out of the network. It’s also FREE. You have opportunities to win lots of books. For our BIRTHDAY BASH we are giving away 10 books a day and announcing winners once a week. You’ll have all week to enter the daily featured contests.

Do you have any other comments for my readers?

If you are avid reader this is the place for you to learn about the latest in Christian Fiction and interact with the author each month.

Are you a book club leader? Well this is the place for you to find your next book club pick. We’d also love for you to set up your Book club page at our site for others to see. It’s a place to share your latest featured book. Post pictures of your club and the field trips you’ve taken. The authors you’ve met and the book fun you’ve had. Learn from other book clubs that have already set up their pages.

Want to start a book club but felt it was too overwhelming? You can learn from other experienced book club leaders, and you can start right away making your book club list!

Do you like to win books? This is the place for you. You’ll have a chance to get to know the authors and their books and read genre’s you normally wouldn’t. We’ve been giving away about 100 books a month and for our birthday bash it’s going to be 10 books every day; starting August first. Winners are picked weekly and announced each weekly.

THANK YOU! You’ve been a grand host to have me here and let me talk about The Book Club Network and our Birthday Bash!! I hope to see you there @TBCN

You are a Blessing!!

Nora :o)

Nora, it was a blessing having you here. I love The Book Club Network and am always excited to help spread the word.

A little about Nora:  

Nora is the CEO of The Book Club Network Incorporated. Nora and her husband run The Book Club Network She runs two book clubs near Atlanta, Ga., Former ACFW On-Line Book Club. Nora currently writes a Book Club column for the Christian Fiction OnLine Magazine and is a Book Club Talk Columnist for Novel Rocket. You can read author interviews on her Finding Hope Through Fiction blog, located at, and reviews around the web at The Christian Pulse Mag, Title Trakk, Novel Reviews, and Suspense Zone.

Hope you've enjoyed today's interview, and I hope you have fun checking out TBCN.


Submerged is a bestseller!!!

My debut novel, Submerged, has made the bestseller list thanks to amazing friends and readers like YOU!

Thank you SO much for your support and encouragement. I've been so blessed by your emails. Thanks for letting me know how much you're enjoying Submerged and thanks for telling your friends about it.

I've been getting a lot of questions about that next book so I wanted to share that Shattered (Book Two of my Alaskan Courage series) will be out in February. It's Piper McKenna's story.

I'm finishing up revisions on it right now. I truly hope you'll enjoy it!  I've absolutely loved getting to tell Piper's story.

Thank you again for your support! I'm so glad you love the McKenna family like I do :)



Well, it looks like this might be my last post for a while. It seems Dani is itching to take control of her blog back. I hope you'll read the rest of my story in Submerged. Today's subject is a touchy one for me. I'm a Christian. I should know all about redemption. Thing is, I believe Christ died for my sins and I believe He saved me, but I still struggle. As you've learned these past few weeks if you read my posts on Facing Your Fears and Shame (still stinging from that one), I continue to wrestle with fear and shame.

I should know better. I should have it all together on the inside like I do on the outside, but I don't.

I still struggle.

I still hurt.

Regret and shame still cling to me like an ugly old sign flashing 'she doesn't belong.'

I strive to be good, to be perfect and on the outside I might even appear to be, but on the inside....

Bethany shared redemption's definition over on Katie's blog today. Four and Five hit me the hardest.

1. An act of redeeming or the state of being redeemed

2. Deliverance or rescue

3. Deliverance from sin; salvation

4. Atonement from guilt (I wish! I know I'm saved, but I fear this guilt will never go away. And, in truth, I don't deserve for it to).

5. Repurchase, as of something sold (I gave myself away painfully enough, but you're going to have to read my story if you want to find out more, because unlike Dani, I'm not ready to share the source of my shame).


What about you? Which definition of redemption hits you hardest, for good or for bad?

Check out Dani's Facebook Author Page or Katie Ganshert's Facebook Author Page for some encouragement regarding redemption.


In Loving Memory

You have probably noticed that I haven't posted in two weeks. It's because my mom was sick. Very sick. Last week she went Home to be with Jesus.

Marlene Moe


My mom was beautiful inside and out. She was amazingly brave and loving. I'm going to miss her dearly, but I know she's in Heaven and that I'll get to spend eternity with her. That knowledge comforts my current heartache. There seems to be a lot of heartache going around. We know several families that have lost dear ones (a father, a spouse, a father-in-law) just this week and my heart goes out to them. I pray the God of all comfort will fill them with the peace that surpasses understanding.

I have been awed at the outpouring of love my family has received during this difficult time--flowers, cards, meals, visits. I thank God for each and every person that reached out. Two Bible verses really stuck with me and I'd like to share them with you. If you've recently lost a loved one, I pray they will fill you with comfort.

~"Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord." Corinthians 5:8 (Thank you, Jonathan)

~"For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s." Romans 14:8 (Thank you, kiddo)

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! I'll be back posting the first Friday in January.  


The picture is from Rockefeller Center in NYC. Our family always takes a trip up to New York around Christmas time. We went yesterday and had a wonderful time.

While we were there we visited Peter Lik's Gallery in Soho. If you haven't heard of Peter Lik, be sure to check his website out. He's absolutely amazing! Breathtaking images of God's creation.


How A Little Can Change A Lot

The following post was written by Jessica Dotta and featured on InspireaFire. InspireaFire founder Gina Holmes has asked anyone interested in helping to run this article on their blog. I'm very happy to help and I hope this article will tug at your heartstrings as it did mine.    ~Blessings, Dani

We have much to be judged on when he comes, slums and battlefields and insane asylums, but these are the symptoms of our illness and the result of our failures in love.” – Madeleine L’Engle

When my brother traveled to the Sudan he had an encounter that changed his life—and as it ends up, mine too.

He stood in Darfur at an orphanage filled with children leftover from the genocide. There were over 800 children, and during the night wild dogs were dragging them off and killing them.

My brother already felt shell-shocked from the travesties he’d witnessed in Uganda.

The day was hot. The sun beat down upon him. His camera had nearly been ruined from all the dust. He’d barely slept. His gear was heavy. Yet his conscience was seared by the numbness he felt, so he turned and confessed to a Sudanese pastor.

“We shall pray right now that your heart will be opened,” he was told.

Not long after that prayer three young children approached Joshua and started to follow him. After a bit, his father nature kicked in and he stopped and sang Father Abraham. It didn’t take long before the four of them were dancing and going through the motions.

When they finished, he asked the children to tell him how they came to be there.

The oldest, a girl, answered. “The soldiers came and shot my mother and father, so I came here.”

The two other children nodded in agreement. “Me, too.”

He was grief struck, but it was what transpired next that tore my heart. “Do you have a Mommy?” The little girl asked my brother.

“Yes,” he answered.

“And a Daddy?”

Again, his answer was yes.

“Oh,” she said, her voice hinting at a strange intermingling of numbness and grief.

Her question stirs me still. For I believe it came from her soul and revealed the thoughts of her heart. She didn’t want to know what his country was like, what kind of food he ate, or what he did for a living. She had her own bullet holes leftover from the genocide. Her world consisted of this single question: Who still had parents and who didn’t?

In her questions I heard her worry and fear. Imagine being trapped in a war-torn country, a land of famine, drought and disease. Imagine trying to survive it as an orphan with death threatening you every hour. No matter how much she’s endured, at the end of the day, she’s still  just a little girl. And all she really wants is her Mom and Dad.

I imagined my daughter living as an orphan in the Sudan. If I were shot and dying, it would be my hope that my brothers and sisters would care for her. But what if her aunts and uncles were killed too? What was it then, that her parents hoped?

As members of the body of Christ these children are not alone. They have aunts and uncles. Multitudes and multitudes and multitudes of them. Talk about staggering! These kids are our nieces and nephews! Mine. Yours.

So who, I wondered, within the church has the responsibility to step in?

I didn’t like the answer that came. Earlier that week I was shocked to learn that globally I was one of the richest people in the world—even though as an American, I’m pretty poor.

Like it or not  I was the rich aunt. I had knowledge of the situation. That made me accountable.

I wasn’t comfortable with the knowledge then, and I’m not comfortable with the knowledge now. But I am determined to do something. Anything.

That day Joshua had in his possession a picture book that someone had asked him to give to someone in the Sudan. It was a children’s book with a story about how we have a Heavenly Father who always loves and cares for us. Joshua read the book and gave it to them.

An American woman took it upon herself to raise the money to build shelter. Every person who donated, even a dollar, helped to create a place where the little girl now sleeps safe from wild dogs.

When Joshua told me he’s going to start a branch of Watermelon Ministries called Media Change, a non-profit encouraging Americans to give up a portion of the money spent on entertainment to serve those fighting world hunger and thirst, I wanted to support it.

For seven years he’s helped non-profits raise money that serves the “least of these.” He’s seen the impact a small investment can have. This is a brand new initiative. He’s not quite ready to launch, but you can sign up and be kept updated at His first goal is garner the support of 10,000 people who are willing to give $10 a month. I’m number #3.

This is only a blog post, but who knows what one blog post can do.

What if the task of helping others isn’t as overwhelming as we make it?

Inside an Editor’s Office

Have you ever wondered what the inside of a publishing house looked like? I had. I am a very visual person so every time I send my manuscript out (usually via email) I wondered where it was being opened on the other end. How large were the buildings? Was it chaotic and hectic inside like a NYC news room? Was it calm and sedate like the Masterpiece Theatre guy sitting in his leather reading chair before the fire? I imagined it was somewhere in between. Well, back in May I had the amazing opportunity to visit my publishing house. Bethany House flew me and several other authors new to BHP out to Minnesota to visit with them. Karen, my substantive editor, met me at the airport and I fell in love with her immediately—she is so warm and gracious. We made the short drive to BHP and then I was given the grand tour. It wasn’t chaotic like a news room, but it certainly was not sedate like the guy in the reading chair. Everyone there was unique and memorable and so excited to welcome us into the Bethany House family. It was great to see how every department—editorial, marketing, design… works together to make each book the very best it can be. Walking through the halls, meeting each and every person, it was clear they were passionate about stories and passionate about glorifying God through those stories. I feel incredibly blessed to be part of such a wonderful team of people, such a welcoming family. I know I say it a lot, but it’s true. I’ve been completely overwhelmed (in a wonderful way) by the gift God has given me of working with them. Here are some pictures from my visit. I had the opportunity to visit with Regina Jennings a debut historical author who y’all will love, Becky Wade a fellow contemporary author, and Nancy Mehl who is writing Amish romantic suspense. Amish romantic suspense…doesn’t that sound fun!

Dani Pettrey and fellow Bethany House Authors

Dani Pettrey with her editors

ACFW Conference

I recently returned from the ACFW conference in St. Louis. I had a wonderful time… I was able to spend time with my editor and his lovely wife (who is also an amazing editor at Bethany House.)

Dani Pettrey

I got to meet with my agent and finally see his infamous kilt attire.

Dani Pettrey

I had the wonderful opportunity to fellowship with other Bethany House authors at a dinner and throughout the conference. These ladies were so kind, thoughtful and inspiring. I am so blessed to be part of the BHP family.

Dani Pettrey

I reconnected with long distance friends and met some new ones.

Dani Pettrey

If you ever have the chance to attend a writing conference, I highly recommend it. Why?

Because it’s a place to learn, network and be inspired. But I’ll give you a little hint, the key to a successful conference is attitude. If you go with a critical attitude, you will find things to criticize. If you go with the attitude that the conference will only be a success if you sell, re-sell, or land an agent then there’s a good chance you’ll end up disappointed. But…if you go with an attitude of service, you will find plenty of ways to service. If you go with an attitude of gratitude, you will find many reasons to give thanks.

Conferences can be overwhelming and it is disappointing to walk away without a strong lead for your book. I know. I attended conferences for many years before I was published, but there is so much more to writing conferences than selling. It’s a chance to meet friends, to mingle with your favorite authors, to learn from them, and to be part of the larger writing community. There is something so special about fellowshipping with other writers—praying for one another, encouraging one another. Next year ACFW will be in Dallas. I hope you’ll be able attend. I know you’d have a fabulous time and I’d love to meet you.