Writerly Wednesday--Interview with the Awesome Susie Larson!



Hi friends,

Welcome to Writerly Wednesday. Today I have a very special guest--Susie Larson is joining us from Minnesota. If you aren't familiar with Susie, boy are you missing out. Susie is a radio host, writer, encourager and she runs a fabulous conference for Christian Writers.

The amazing thing about Susie is how you open one of her books and you feel like you've stepped in the room with her and are chatting over a cup of coffee. Her words speak deep to the soul and I'm honored to have her sharing with us today.

1) What Bible story are you most thankful was included in Scripture and why?

What a great question! Can I give you three answers?

Yes ma'am! 

My first choice would be the story of Joseph of the OT. His story of vision, hardship, training, trust, and breakthrough speak volumes to me. I’ve returned to this story time and time again as I’ve walked out my own faith journey. Second choice would be the story of Ruth. Her grit and courage and conviction to face the unknown and to follow a God she trusted but could not see…well, it inspires me to no end. And finally, the woman at the well constantly reminds me that Jesus changes us when we’re willing to be honest with Him. I love how most of the town was transformed because she was willing to be known as someone who needed to be saved. When saving grace upstages saving face, everything changes.


Amen to that! 

2) Who do you most want to reach through your writing?

I want to encourage and strengthen the Christ follower who is weary in battle and who wonders if God sees her. I have such a passion to see women healed, restored, and mobilized to live out their call in Christ Jesus.

Your heart for women definitely comes shining through in all your writing and in your awesome radio show! You are definitely an encourager. I've been so blessed by you! 

3) Is there a theme that carries through most of your books even though they are on different topics?

Wow, another great question! For me, yes! I didn’t set out to carry this theme throughout my books but it’s appeared enough for me to realize that it’s a part of who I am. If you read enough of my stuff, you’ll start to notice that I write a lot about how to stand in battle, how to contend for the promises of God, how to persevere when you feel like quitting, and the importance of physical disciplines to protect your health. I worked in the fitness industry for about 15 years and I’ve struggled with a chronic health issue. Though I’m a ‘doer’ and a get-er-done girl, I’ve had to come to grips with my limits. And in that place, I’ve learned afresh that I serve a God who has no limits. So I respect my limits and then I pray to the God of the impossible. I suppose that’s more than one theme. Is that okay? :)

Lol! Absolutely okay :) I also suffer from a chronic health condition and am very much like you--a 'doer' so it's been quite a challenge learning to accept my limits, but you are so right--God IS the God of the impossible.

4) What would you say helps you stay focused on what matters most in a world that’s so distracting?

I spend a significant time with the Lord every morning because He’s my safest place, He knows me best, and He’s the Source of everything I do. And as silly as it sounds, I get to bed on time every night. We lose perspective quickly when we’re under-rested and overworked.

That is so true. Rest is so important as is that start-of-the-day time with our Lord. 

5) What do you do to prepare your heart or still your soul for celebrating Jesus’ birth at Christmas?

I do what I do all year long (guard that morning time with God), and I block off nights on my schedule to just sit by the tree with music on. I recall the ways God has been faithful. This reminds me that I have a history with God. And I thank Him ahead of time for the ways He will continue to be faithful. I know I have a future with Him. And I remember that Jesus was born during a time of great injustice. It may have been a silent night but it was a turbulent time. It helps me remember that though we will have trouble in this world, we can be of good cheer because He has overcome the world.

Amen! How about you all--how do you prepare your heart or still your soul for celebrating Jesus' birth at Christmas?

Everyone who answers or leaves a question or comment for Susie will automatically be entered to when a copy of Your Sacred Yes! Trust me, you want to win this fabulous book. 


Thank you so much for joining us today, Susie. It was an honor and a pleasure.


Susie and I would love if you'd join us THIS Thursday at 8pm EST for a Christmas Celebration. There will be caroling, Christmas memories, FB LIVE videos from us both, not to mention fabulous Christmas giveaway bundles. Hope to see you there! Be sure to RSVP today.


Susie Larson is a talk radio host, national speaker, and bestselling author of fifteen books and many articles. In both 2016 and 2017 Susie was nominated and voted into the top ten group for the John Maxwell Leadership Award. Susie has been married to her dear husband Kevin since 1985 and together they have three wonderful sons, three beautiful daughters-in-law, and one adorable pit bull named Memphis. Susie’s passion is to see women everywhere awakened to the value of their soul, the depth of God’s love, and the height of their calling in Christ Jesus.

To learn more about Susie visit her at SusieLarson.com.
