Monday Cuppa--Overcoming Obstacles

Dani Pettrey Monday Cuppa

Happy Monday, friends.

Since it's fall and Pumpkin Spice Lattes are all the rage, I thought I'd share this wonderful recipe so you can make your own. Let me know how you like it.


Don't forget: SHADOWED will be releasing TOMORROW as a single novella on ebook. I LOVE the cover my design team at BHP created for it. Doesn't she look so much like Libby?



Seeing Libby made me think again about the grueling conditions Libby endured as an open water swimmer in  SHADOWED.

There's an incredible story about a real life open water swimmer. Her name is Lynn Cox, and this year marks the 29th anniversary of the day she swam 2 hours and 5 minutes in the Bering Strait from an Alaskan Island to a Russian Island, in waters averaging 43 degrees Fahrenheit. Click here to listen to her amazing account of the experience as she shares everything - the snowbank her welcoming committee stood on, the extra half-mile she had to swim against the current to reach them, the steep and rocky incline, numb feet that made getting out of the water nearly impossible, the blankets that were piled on her as she shivered, and how dearly she holds goals, dreams, and the gift of overcoming obstacles.

Her story filled me with the joy we have in Christ and how we in Him can overcome anything!


I will have a special post tomorrow announcing a special SHADOWED contest so be sure to stop back by. And, as for contests, the winner of last week's giveaway of Woot! Granola is Connie Saunders! Congrats, Connie. Email me your mailing address to and I'll get your Almond Lavender granola in the mail. See you all tomorrow!



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