Monday Cuppa Moment 7/20

Happy Monday, Friends! Look at my latest coffee find:



I can't wait to give it a try.


Right now I'm drinking:


We found while on vacation in North Carolina. It's delicious. Any good coffee finds lately?

I've been repeatedly coming across a reminder from God this week: He is unchanging and faithful, and because of who He is, we have joy and strength in Him regardless of the circumstances. I know that sounds like a pollyanna attitude statement, but as one who has gone through her share of struggling, suffering and extremely difficult times, I can testify to God's infallible presence--even when it is just to give you enough strength to take that next breath. He. Is. There. Right beside you, holding you in His loving arms.

I've had multiple reminders of this truth this week and thought I'd share a few of them with you. If you are struggling, suffering, hurting--take heart, dear one. God is with you, and He will be your strength when you have none.

Here are two Facebook posts that Toby Mac shared:





A quote by Charles Spurgeon I saw:




Here are two verses I read this week (one during my devotional time, the other while getting coffee):

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.And here are two songs I heard in church Sunday that really spoke to me. I hope they lift your spirits." --Isaiah 41:10 




I don't know about you, but music always has a way of speaking directly to my heart. Here is one of the songs I've been listening to while writing this. Hope you enjoy and are encouraged.

Oceans by Hillsong 

May God carry you always. Now go out and conquer Monday in His strength.

What verses has God shared with you this week that really spoke to you?



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