Monday Cuppa - Weekend Shower

Dani Pettrey Monday Cuppa

Happy Monday, friends!


This weekend we celebrated my daughter's baby shower for my second grandson who is due late this fall.


Not sure which side of the table behaved better...or had more fun :)



Spending this time celebrating the life of our grandson and cherishing the wonderful mother our daughter is, made me sit back and just soak in God's blessings.

In the Bible it says in James 1:17:

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

I'm so grateful to God for being a loving Father who showers His children with gifts (even the gift of children and grandchildren), and who does not change like shifting shadows. He is reliable and trustworthy. I hope you'll take a few moments and soak in that truth today.



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