Adventurous Wonderings

Adventurous Wonderings. For those of you who are curious about my name choice, I’ll explain. The first word is pretty straightforward. As I mentioned in Post One the aim or purpose of this blog is to share my love for travel and adventure. The second word requires a bit more explanation.

Originally it was going to be titled Adventurous Wanderings with an ‘a’, but, of course, I looked up the definition for wander and found it means: to move about without a definite destination or purpose. Which in one sense sounds fun, but in another it just didn’t suit, and I’ll tell you why…. some blogs have a tendency to wander about on a variety of topics that aren’t at all related and I was trying to avoid that here. I’ve been told by authors much wiser than me that a writer’s blog should stay on point. So, not counting yesterday’s post, that’s exactly what I intend to do. Or at least aspire to do :0) On the other hand, occasionally diversions are called for and needed. Who hasn’t gotten sidetracked while on vacation only to stumble across an adventure that makes the entire trip? Or ended up running into a friend while shopping and taking a break to sit down over a cup of coffee and catch up? So, while I’ll try my best to remain on topic, we will, occasionally take an unexpected detour and hopefully find adventure waiting.

Needless to say, I changed the name to Adventurous Wonderings with an ‘o’ because to wonder means: to be curious about, or to be curious to know. And that is the true goal of this sight….to fulfill your curiosity on a variety of topics related to travel, adventure, writing, and occasionally life. I look forwarding to learning along the way and I hope you will too. Have adventure recommendations, travel stories, or links you think would be of interest to readers of this blog? Email me.

Upcoming post: The wild and wacky world of snowboarding with Olympic and X-Game Highlights. Strap on your helmets, it’ll be an adventure.